The Student and the Teacher

-Earlier; Player 1 Waiting Room-

Tenya had just finished up his match against one of his classmates, as he had been excited to tell the news. He knew his family had been watching the Sports Festival, though one would be cheering him on more than anyone.

That had been his older brother, Tensei, or as many knew him as the Turbo Hero, Ingenium. For as long as Tenya could remember, he had looked up to him, saw him as an inspiration; he had been one of the few that had inspired him to become a Hero.

He knew around this time, he had been at his office in Hosu, though it couldn't hurt to keep him updated on the Sports Festival.

The dial tone lasted for awhile before it stopped.

"Hello Tensei? It's me Tenya…"

Though it came in the form of a message.

"I am currently away on a mission right now, and cannot answer the phone. Leave a message and I'll get back to you."

Tenya took the phone from his ear, and couldn't help but think.

"Wonder what kind of mission it is…?"

The door soon opened up, as it had been revealed to be Gio. "Yo Iida! We gotta get back to our seats!" Gio said, "Floyd and Bakugou's match is about to start!"

"Yeah, I'll be right there!" Tenya said, before he looked at his phone again.

He let out a sigh, before he put his phone back in his pocket.

"Do your best… Brother."


-Hosu City-

The Phantom Witch had managed to bandage herself after what happened at UA; despite the fact that she had over used her Quirk, she managed to regain herself and find a place where she could patch herself up, and to rest her energy.

She stitched herself up with the kit she had before applying the bandages and medicine needed for her wounds. As she did this she thought back to the previous matches of the Sports Festival, or specifically on the girl.

She had been there when the matches started; she didn't sit in the crowd, she stayed at one of the many doorways and watched closely during the first match. She heard the boy, his name… Katsuki from what she heard, call out to her; and she changed but only for a brief moment.

She honestly couldn't help but find it to be… Interesting.

A certain thought came over her head as she replayed the scene.

"That boy… Called out to her, and woke her with only words... I wonder… Could he really be her--?"

Her body flinched slightly when she heard an odd sound. At this she had become alert as she readied her weapon. She threw her hood back over head as she looked around the room. Her eyes changed to that of a pale yellow color as she looked around.

Finally she spoke.

"You're making a mistake stealing from me… I don't think you realize who you're dealing with…"

The person soon spoke back, and she found the voice to be familiar.

"Oh… I think I do."

The Phantom Witch's eyes changed to that of gray with a blink, before she started to move; she found blades thrown in her direction as she blocked them with her staff, or flipped. She managed to catch her breath as she recognized the blades. Her attacker soon made himself known as he seemed to have dropped from the ceiling.

The man that stood before her had been a man in his thirties, who looked to hunch over slightly. He had long black hair that looked to be a mess; he wore a headband in the color of red and a mask over his eyes that had been in the color of yellowish white. His eyes had been in the color of blood red, and wore a dark combat suit as he looked to be armored, and had pads on his legs and arms; bandages that looked to be old and worn as to replace the sleeves, and he had on a pair of black boots.

The scarf around his neck had been in a blood red color, and he appeared to have several blades that had been sheathed, and a couple of them looked empty. The mask around his eyes covered where his nose was supposed to be.

Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the muscular man, as her eyes changed to that of dark purple, before her look changed to that of a glare.

"You…" She said with a sneer.

"It's been awhile Black Lotus." The man said, "Nice to know that you still have your tricks. I never thought after all these years, I would run into you again."

"...That makes two of us… Sensei." The Phantom Witch said as she still had the look in her eyes, "No… You lost the right to be called that a long time ago."

The man seemed unphased by this as he only looked amused, "I can see your personality hasn't changed either. That's comforting to know."

The Phantom Witch held her weapon to his face as this time, it took the form of that of a spear; the man of course didn't flinch as she had a look to kill in her eyes. "I told you that day to never return to the cities…" The Phantom Witch said as her eyes soon burned with a red orange color as if they had been flames, "... I told you if you did, I would not hesitate to kill you… Are you asking me to grant you that death?"

The man caught her by surprise as he quickly disarmed her before he pinned her hands behind her back, making her groan at her newfound wounds.

"I remember telling you on that day--I will only allow one person to kill me Black Lotus." He said to her.

The Phantom Witch's eyes changed to that of brown before she kicked him in the stomach making him stumble; she quickly moved and retrieved her weapon, before she charged at him. The man unsheathed one of his many blades before he had blocked her and pushed her back.

The Phantom Witch stumbled slightly before she managed to steady herself.

"Are we really going to do this again?" He said, "I don't want to kill you."

"You're the one that started this when you began to take the lives of Heroes, because of your ridiculous beliefs!" The Phantom Witch said, wiping the blood off of her nose and ignoring the ring that went off in her head.

The man looked to her a bit shocked, but soon retained the look in his eyes as he prepared to attack again.

"They're not beliefs…" He told her, "... They're facts. You, of all people, should know that."

The Phantom Witch merely clicked her tongue, as she readied her weapon.


"A Villain has been sighted, repeat a Villain has been sighted! Last known location: Market Square! If there are any Pro Heroes near the area, please respond!"

Tensei had been currently patrolling although it had been one of his normal patrols, though after getting a call such as this, he knew he had to take action. He quickly ran down the street with the help of his Quirk as he ran straight to where the Villain had been sighted.

"Squad A, go north!" Tensei said over coms, "Squad B, check the west side!"

"Squad A, roger!"

"Squad B, roger!"

Just as Tensei passed by an alleyway, he heard the sound of a scream and glass shattering along with the sound of screaming. At this he skidded to a halt.

"What's that?"

Tensei started to make his way towards the area, as he used his Quirk to jump up on top of the buildings nearby, kicking off the walls, before he flew towards the alleyway, to see what had been happening.

The Phantom Witch had been quick to recover as the man attacked from above; she blocked his blade with her staff before she had kicked him off. She charged at him once more, attempting to hit him with all her strength, though she had no such luck as he had blocked her attacks with his blades before he countered.

She quickly pushed herself back, as the blade only seemed to tore up a small part of her hair and hood; She distanced herself as she caught her breath.

"You look tired Black Lotus." He said, "Given your wounds, you've been in a fight recently. Is that why your not using your Quirk?"

"What made you come back here?!" The Phantom Witch said with her eyes now a red orange, and her voice filled with anger, "Was my warning that day not good enough for you?!"

"I could ask you the same question." He told her, "But than again, you and I don't like to get personal."

"Don't start with that! I'm through with games today! Answer my question, or I will--"

"Right, your through with games… As is someone else I imagine…"

The Phantom Witch froze at this as her eyes changed to that of yellow, as she had a worried look on her face. It hadn't been long before the man spoke again.

"... I heard the rats talking about it. There was an attack on USJ not too long ago that would've killed All Might, but like so many they underestimated his power. Though something else piqued my interest. While I don't listen to rumors often, I'll admit this one had caught my attention. There's talk that a certain girl who should be dead… Is actually alive and kicking, and attending the school full of fakes."

The Phantom Witch lowered her weapon as her body shook slightly. The man read the expression on her face, as her eyes changed to that of white.

"The rumors are true after all." He said, "Figures that only a person like you would know."

"You… Bastard…" She said as she had a hostile look again.

"Put your mind at ease Black Lotus." He told her calmly, "I don't plan on killing her if we so happen to cross paths. On the contrary, if she and I do meet I plan on opening her eyes to the real world, as I did with you."

She drew her weapon once more, "Don't even THINK about going near that girl! I will not have you make her into a fool like you!"

The man stayed silent for a moment, before he spoke again, "She was put in the hands of liars and pretenders. If anything… I'm not a fool."

At this she charged as her rage lit like that of a flame. She readied to attack, though left herself open as Stain quickly got behind her; he used the hilt of one of his many blades to hit her in the back of her head. With only one hit, she passed out, though he caught her before she could hit the floor.

"You've gotten sloppy over the years, haven't you?" He said as he tossed her over his shoulder, "You let your own emotions get the better of you."


The man had been drawn to a new voice as a Pro Hero jumped from above landing just in front of him. Tensei stood ready to fight the Villain before him.

"It's as I thought--You're him! The Hero Killer Stain!"