The Raffle

-Local Bar; District ???-

Stain didn't know why, though he felt intrigued by whatever these new faces had to offer. He allowed the new face to bring him to wherever he wanted to go.

It wasn't long before he found himself in a dimly lit bar, with only two people occupying it. One had been a man with a gas mask, while another sat by his side; his face was covered by what appeared to be a hand made of stone.

They were known as Tadano Hitonari, and Tomura Shigaraki.

"Hello there, Mr. Stain." The man named Shigaraki said, "How nice of you to join us."

Stain only scoffed as he had been quick to put together, exactly who they were.

"... So…" Stain said, seeing the man made of purple mist appear just behind the bar, revealing to be Kurogiri, "... You were the ones that attacked U.A. I can see why it failed so poorly."

"We merely underestimated our enemy's power…." Tadano told him, "I can assure you… It won't happen a second time."

"Indeed it won't." Shigaraki said, "Which is why we're looking for a few more helping hands for the League of Villains."

Stain merely scoffed at this, as he was quick to draw a conclusion, "... You want to add me to your numbers."

"Exactly." Shigaraki said, "After all, you've got so much experience as a Villain yourself."

"... What are you after?" He asked the leader.

Shigaraki soon replied after a brief pause, "... For now… I just want to kill All Might… I want to break everything I don't like… And… Open someone's eyes to the truth."

He soon held up a couple of photographs; two of them contained Izuku Midoriya and Floyd Aihara.

"... Damn kids like these too…" He added, "... Everything I hate, I want to break..."

Stain only looked displeased by this sort of thing, as the look in his eyes changed, "... I was foolish to be interested… Your the type of person I hate most."

At this, Shigaraki, Tadano and Kurogiri had been taken back. Stain went to draw his blades.

"Basically… You want me to go along with your childish tantrum, is that it?" He said, "What meaning is there in killing without conviction?"

Kurogiri turned to the screen sitting behind Shigaraki, "Master…" He said, "... Is it alright to let this continue?"

"It is." The person only known as Master said, "This would be pointless if we just give Tomura his answer. He should think about where he needs to mature, spur on his growth!... This is what it means to educate."


-Hosu; Thrift Store (Later that Evening)-

The train trip to Hosu had been a quick one, which was surprising to say the least, considering how the subway can be at this time of day. When they arrived at Hosu, she and Katsuki found themselves being dragged to the nearest Thrift Store available to them. Reina tried to ask why, but the next thing she knew she was practically shoved into a dressing room, courtesy of Kazuho, and Katsuki had been shoved in the one next to her, because of Koichi and Michiko.

When Katsuki emerged, he was shaking at what he had been wearing. He had on a black collared jacket, and a set of tight dark green jeans and a set of brown boots. The shirt he had worn had been a v-neck revealing a part of his muscles on his chest.

Michiko had just finished combing his hair, as he now looked as though he had short ash blonde hair on his head.

"I gotta hand it to ya Michiko--" Koichi said admiring her handiwork, "--Those lessons your mom gave you really paid off!"

Michiko said with a smile of praise, "Oh Kochi. You flatter me."

"... This is even worse than what that Jeans asshole was doing to me!" Katsuki said as he sounded really pissed.

Michiko placed a set of black shades over his eyes as she argued, "Suck it up, at least you look like a pampered dog now!"

"I swear, I am going to murder you damn yakuza wannabe!" Katsuki growled.

"TRY IT!" Michiko shouted, though had been quickly held back by Koichi.

"So, are the twins supposed to meet up with us outside right?" Koichi asked Michiko.

"Them and that desk clerk chick, Futsuno I think her name was." Katsuki said.

Michiko said with an irritated voice, "Tch, yeah them… Can't believe they're going to help us..."

"YOU'RE THE ONE THAT SUGGESTED IT WISE ASS!!" Katsuki yelled at her.

"SCREW YOU!" She shouted as she gave him a slap so hard it knocked him over.

"Can you save that energy in case we face off against the bad guys?" Koichi asked nonchalantly.

It hadn't been long before they heard voices coming from within the dressing room.

"No! No! No! Hell no!" They heard Reina say, "I'm not going out there looking like this!!"

"Come on Nouki-san, you look fine!" Kazuho said.

"Nope! I'm not going out! You can't make me!"

"Now, don't be such a chicken!"

Kazuho pushed her out with a good hard shove and they were all taken back by what Reina had been wearing. Katsuki especially as his face turned a complete scarlet red. The outfit she wore was that of a dark red vest with a black crop top and a turtleneck that revealed her breast line; she also had on a dark gray mini skirt and a set of high dark red knee boots.

She didn't have her usual ponytail as half of it had been up with the help of a braid, and half of it had been down so that it had rested over her shoulders.

Reina had been holding her skirt in an attempt to cover up what showed underneath.

"See?" Kazuho said with a smile, "You look great!"

Michiko ended up yelling as her face had been flushed red, "W-WHAT THE HELL?! WHY IS SHE IN YOUR OUTFIT?!"

"What? You said put her in something that's not her style, and this is something not in her style!" Kazuho argued.

Michiko gave her a slap in the face as she yelled, "GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD! SHE'S ONLY FIFTEEN!!"

"I ONLY DID WHAT YOU TOLD ME TO DO!" Kazuho yelled as she glared.

Michiko shouted, "I didn't think you had those types of clothes! YOU TRYING TO MAKE THE MISS LOOK LIKE A HARLOT?!"

"... I can't believe I got talked into doing this…" Reina said as she slumped over as she still held her skirt down, "... Why did I get talked into doing this?"

Katsuki tried to say something, but only found himself stuttering and in a daze by her appearance; the blood practically rushed throughout his whole body and heated up. Immediately he turned away as he did his best to control himself while he was sweating.

"It's bad enough that I kissed her, it's bad enough that we're staying together… But now she's going to be wearing that--!" He exclaimed in his thoughts as he covered his face with his hand; He suddenly had a look to kill in his expression, "--If someone so much as looks in her general direction, I'm going to murder them!"

Reina soon took note of Katsuki's appearance, as her own face became flushed with red. "God, he looks so handsome…" She thought in her head before she shook her head rapidly, "--What am I thinking!? There's no way he would go for me in that way!"

The two of them had been snapped out of their trance when they heard Michiko groan loudly, "We don't have time for this! Let's just hurry up and meet them outside!"

Michiko went on ahead with Koichi (Practically in a daze himself) and Kazuho (Who was still angry with Michiko) followed close behind. Reina and Katsuki both walked next to each other as they couldn't look each other in the eye because of their current appearance.

"U--Um--" Reina started to say, as she struggled to look at him, "Y-Y-You look good! That look really does suit you!"

"Tha--thanks!" Katsuki said as she could've sworn his tone of voice had gotten a bit more pitched than what she was used to. It hadn't been long before he cleared his throat, "You don't look… So bad yourself…"

"Re--Really? It's not too flashy?" She asked him.

Katsuki only shook his head rapidly, "N-No! Even though it's not what your used to, it really suits you!"

Reina only turned even more red at this complete, as she turned her gaze to the floor. "Tha--Thank you…" She mumbled.

They had soon gotten outside where they saw a dark green van across from them. Four familiar faces had been waiting for them just outside of the van. It had been Futsuno, her best friend Akane, and her two step-siblings, Violet and Victor. Though they were wearing outfits completely different to the ones they had seen before.

Futsuno for example, had her hair tied in a side ponytail that had been on the left side of her head; she wore a black leather jacket and wore a dark green shirt underneath it with a single black stripe. She had on a pair of black pants with gray buckles and a set of gray high top sneakers.

Akane had her hair tied in a double knotted ponytail as she wore a moon silhouette hoodie with a set of strings at the bottom of it, with a red flannel skirt and a set of white boots to go with it; she appeared to have eye shadow as well as red lipstick.

Violet wore a black and white striped shirt with a dark blue vest and a set of tight green jeans and a set of sneakers, while Victor had on a skull beanie hat along with a set of short jeans, red high top sneakers and a dark gray shirt with a vest of his own as well.

"Hey there Ki-chan! Baku-chan!" Futsuno said with a wave, "And a hello to you too miss bodyguard~!"

Michiko only growled at this, as Reina and Katsuki looked at them surprised.

"You guys decided to dress up?" Katsuki asked her.

"And Suzuki-san is here too?" Reina said.

"Futsu-chan told me about what you were going to do, and I wasn't about to let you guys have all the fun!" Akane said with a smile.

Michiko said to them, "Yeah, no kidding.."

"Again, you were the one that suggested this!" Koichi said before he had gotten a smack from her.

"... That still doesn't explain why your wearing well…" Reina said before gesturing to their outfits, "... All of that."

"We figured, if we were going to be doing this, the best way to do it is to be undercover!" Violet said with a smile.

"The least we can do is dress for the part!" Victor added.

"Seriously, I still don't see why we have to do this…" Katsuki said, gesturing to their outfits, "... We're just gonna be sneaking into some old agency."

"Katsuki-kun's right." Reina said, "We're just going to be getting in, getting what we're looking for and getting out."

The group this time looked surprised by this, as Reina and Katsuki had been taken back by the expressions they made. The two of them looked at one another as they couldn't help but give quizzical looks.

"That's… All there is to it… Right?" Reina soon asked.

"Well… Not exactly…" Victor replied awkwardly.

Michiko soon added, "I think there's a slight hiccup in that plan.."

"... What the hell do you mean by that?" Katsuki soon asked.

"Just get in the car and we'll show you." Futsuno said, gesturing to them to hop in.

With one last glance, Reina and Katsuki went into the van, along with Koichi, Kazuho and Michiko, before they started to drive towards their destination. Though many had been left unaware of a man watching them from a distance, in a silver sedan.

"Excelsior?" The man said in the car, "We've found them. Should we follow them?"

Excelsior replied over the phone, "Stay close, but don't let them see you."


-Twenty Minutes Later-

They expected it to be different.

They expected it to be abandoned.

They expected to be easy.

Though it was anything but that.

They were shocked to see that the place was not abandoned; true it had been surrounded by a barbed wire fence, though they were shocked to see people coming in and out of the place. Each of them was different, though they had only one thing in common. They all appeared to have masks, either covering their face or covering their face as they entered the establishment.

They watched from a distance as they had been parked nearby.

Reina compared the building to the one in her drawing, as it had contained the same entrance, and had been ultimately a one story building.

"That's it…" Reina said, just shocked, as she put her sketchbook away, "... It's a perfect match…"

"You gotta be kidding me right now…" Katsuki grumbled.

Michiko soon said, "Damn it, I should've known!"

"The Wonderland Agency unfortunately was bought out by some third-party company, a few years back--" Akane began to explain, "And as you can imagine, unexpected people made themselves right at home."

"Who are they?" Reina asked the group.

"The lowest of the low." Kazuho replied, "Gang members, yakuza, rich ass-holes, smugglers, you name it. It's one of their many hang out places. Anything you want to do from outside of the law, you go there for quote on quote entertainment."

"The people that own this place call themselves the Dolls." Victor said, "Jeanist and the other Pros have been trying to shut down their activity for years, but they've always been tricky. They manage to slip through authorities' figures. They're kept under wraps from the media so as to not cause a panic."

"And something tells me, as terrifying as the Dolls are, they wouldn't dare to try anything with the Symbol of peace around." Akane added.

"These guys have a leader… Right?" Katsuki asked.

"They did." Violet said, "Well at least… They do now."

Reina and Katsuki gave a quizzical look at this sort of remark. "What does that mean?" Reina asked.

"Well… Remember, the Dolls are tricky to find like we said." Kazuho said, "A year ago, the Boss and some other Pros, took down the previous leader of the Dolls, and for awhile they were quiet. But two months after the leader was taken out… Let's just say it was like the Dolls never left."

"The Boss believed that the previous leader of the Dolls had a successor. In fact, Michiko here went undercover in that establishment that same year." Koichi said, causing Michiko to flinch.

"You did?" Reina asked her, "What were you doing there?"

Michiko let out a sigh before she started to explain herself briefly, "I was undercover for the Dolls with my old partner, to find the leader and bring her in… But... He was killed in action before we could find anything."

Reina and Katsuki soon noticed the tone of her voice, as her expression changed slightly. Reina couldn't help but look at her with worry, though before she could ask Futsuno soon spoke up.

"Violet, Victor, Akane-chan and I did some research when Miss Bodyguard here gave us a call." Futsuno said as she scooted over to Reina's side, "It took us awhile, but I dug up some old articles and documents about it. According to an old newspaper, the Pro Hero Phantom Witch was the person who owned the Wonderland Agency."

Reina and Katsuki only looked shocked at this.

"The ol--" Katsuki started to say, as he stopped himself for a moment, "--The Phantom Witch, you mentioned before, owned this place?"

"Yup." Violet replied, "From what we understand she was one of the youngest to ever own a Hero Agency. Some say she bought it after she graduated from UA, some say it was after college, when she studied in America. Truth being told no one really knows."

"And just like the Phantom Witch, the sidekicks she recruited were really good at their job of cleaning up the streets." Victor added, "But just a few weeks after she was declared dead, the Wonderland Agency mysteriously shut down, and no one heard a word from the other employees or her sidekicks since."

Reina only looked even more shocked at this, as Katsuki's jaw dropped slightly. "Okay… That is weird…" Reina said, before thinking, "... Still doesn't explain why that name sounds familiar."

"Oh! And you'll love this little tidbit!" Futsuno said, "Before she disappeared, she was looking into a case. One in particular, involving--The League of Villains."

At this, Katsuki and Reina did a doubletaked, as they had the sudden urge to check their ears, just to see if they heard it right.

"The same people that attacked USJ, and tried to kill All Might." Reina said, "You mean to say whoever this Phantom Witch person is, was involved?"

"Well yeah, basically." Futsuno said with a shrug, "At least, according to what we dug up."

"Not only that, but it looks like the person helping her out with the case was the Pro-Hero PenPen." Akane said, "Seems like they were really good friends when they were--You know, not dead?"

"The Phantom Witch ain't dead, it's impossible!" Victor immediately denied.

"You have no proof!" Violet added.

"That explains the photo that Penny-san was in…" Reina said.

"So then…" Michiko said as she started to put it together, "... If they were looking into the League of Villains, than there's a possibility that whatever they looked into is still there!"

"Exactly!" Victor and Violet said with a smile.

"Well that's great, but where do we find it?" Reina asked.

Victor soon pulled up the blueprints to the building on a tablet he kept in his backpack. "If Phantom Witch was anything like our other Pro-Heros, she's sure to have the files hidden in her office, though only one little hiccup."

Katsuki's eyebrow twitched at this, "What hiccup?"

Victor pointed over to the entrance of the Agency, "We're gonna have to get past all of that. Hence why Evans-san got you the disguises, so this way you guys won't be easy to recognize."

Michiko said with a smile, "Correct, if only I can change the miss's something that won't expose her body too much.."

"What you said--" Kazuho started to say but was cut off when her mouth had been tapped courtesy of Michiko.

Michiko yelled at Kazuho, "I know that!"

"Do you seriously have to do that?" Koichi said, "I mean I know that Kazuho made a surprising style choice, but it's unnecessary."

Reina and Katsuki looked to one another as they both soon looked over to the Wonderland Agency. Reina started to get nervous again as she watched the people enter the establishment. True she wanted to find answers but that didn't mean she was terrified.

She had no idea what had been inside that establishment, or what sort of people laid inside. Only the worst of the worst; those words kept playing back in her head. Her body shook at the very thought as she wasn't sure what she should do. I mean, she knew she wanted to find Shigaraki, but at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder what sort of Villains would be lurking inside.

She flinched slightly when she felt Katsuki's hand on her shoulder; her shaking seemed to have stopped.

"... We can do this." He told her softly, "Okay?"

Reina only nodded her head, before she turned to the group. "Alright…" She said as she turned over to the group, "... So how do we get inside?"

"The club will only allow guests with masks to enter the place." Michiko said before she turned to Futsuno, "You got what I asked for right?"

"Don't worry, I got them, luckily there was a sale." Futsuno said as she took out the masks.

"So we just have to wear these?" Katsuki asked.

Michiko replied with a nod, "yeah it's the only way."

Reina and Katsuki examined the masks more closely; they saw it had been a set of doll masks that looked like it could belong to an antique doll. It bared no expression and it's eyes looked like that of a corpse.

"It's your call Ki-chan." Futsuno said, "... You ready to do this?"

Reina took a deep breath as she placed the mask on the side of her head, "Let's do this."

With that, they stepped out of the vehicle, adjusted their masks as they approached the Agency. The person in charge of the door let them in without any issue, and all they had to do was follow the lights the so-called abandoned building provided.

Reina lead the group as they stepped inside; the only path that had been available to them was a hall that connected to the far left most side of the hall. The other path looked to be blocked by debris, as well as chairs and lockers; which couldn't help but perplex her.

Despite her curiosity she continued to press forward.

Eventually they entered a room through a set of double doors. The first thing they had noticed was the music that it had played. It had been that of a classical tone, coming from a single gramophone. The room had been packed yet the whole place had been spacious; a single stage with dark red curtains stood towards the front of the room with what looked to be a long runway

Many people were gathered around; some wearing fancy outfits, while others looked underdressed in Reina's eyes.

She could smell tobacco as it plagued the air; the mere scent of it made her cough and cover her nose. Some of them looked deranged and drunk, and she dared not to go near them.

"So, this is what a Villains club looks like." Katsuki said with disgust as he looked around.

"You know despite the smell, and this overwhelming fear I've got, it's pretty interesting to see them all here in one place." Violet commented.

Michiko said as she shuddered, "Yeah intriguing.."

"Let's find out where that room is." Kazuho said, "The sooner we get out of here the better."

"Yeah." Koichi said before looking around, "I don't suppose asking for directions is on the table."

The group looked at the people that surrounded them. "I hate to be the one to say it… But we're going to have to split up." Akane said with a sigh.

"What!?" Michiko exclaimed, keeping her voice low.

"I know, it's a bad idea." Akane said as if she read her very thoughts, "But we can cover more ground if we split up."

"She's right." Victor said, "Plus, it'll be less suspicious if we're not all seen together."

Michiko couldn't help but argue, "As if I'll abandon the Miss!"

"Michiko-san…" Reina soon said sternly. She soon gave a smile, making Michiko's heart skip a bit, "... It'll be alright… After all, it's not like we're going to be alone."

Michiko started to stammer a little as she had been struggling to say something. It hadn't been long before she let out a sigh of defeat.

She soon said as she pouted, "Damn it all, fine!"

"Alright then." Violet said, "Victor and I will stick together and search towards the back."

"Akane-chan and I will take the far right." Futsuno said.

"We'll search over by the bar, and see if we can find anything." Koichi said.

"Then, Katsuki-kun and I will check around the stage." Reina said, "If anything goes wrong, we'll signal each other."

"Yeah." Michiko nodded.

The group soon dispersed making their way through the crowd. Reina and Katsuki kept a firm grip on each other as they made their way through the crowd. She kept her head to the floor so as to not look directly into anyone's eyes. He could feel her hand shaking on his own, as he could tell how terrified she was right now.

"I can feel you shaking, you know." Katsuki whispered as he leaned over, "You doing alright?"

"I've bared witness to Shota fighting off the Villains that tried to attack in open daylight…" Reina started to say, "... But I've never seen so many of them in one place before." She only picked up her head slightly as she looked onto the people that had mingled and flirted with each other.

"Why are these people here, do you think?" She couldn't help but ask.

"... Who the hell knows? These assholes are just strangers to us." Katsuki replied, "It doesn't matter who they are, or as to why. In the end, it doesn't matter to either of us."

"... I guess…" She said tightening her hand a little, "... But--"

"Reina." He soon said, stopping her, both in her sentence and in her tracks.

"I know your scared right now, and who the hell can blame you?" Katsuki said as he got her to turn to him, "I don't blame you for feeling that way, but, everythings going to be fine. We'll have each other's back. I swear."

At this Reina turned red again, as she smiled a little. "Thanks." She said before she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Katsuki only smiled back at her before they finally reached the stage.

She groaned as she looked around the area of the stage, "... There's gotta be a door around here somewhere…" She said, "... Can you keep watch for me?"

"You got it, partner." Katsuki said with a smile.

Reina went around the stage to check if she could find the entrance to where they needed to go. Katsuki let out a sigh as he leaned against the wooden wall looking onto the crowd, though he made sure to keep it casual and not look conspicuous.

He couldn't help but have a thought in his head, as he placed his hand on his cheek. His heart paced at an unnatural rate, as he thought back to the many times Reina gave a warm smile; the times where he saw Reina actually happy.

He looked at his pinkie, just remembering something he had promised long ago…

...Before she had forgotten.

"... I swear… I'm going to become stronger… And I'll keep you safe this time."


Katsuki stumbled a little when he felt someone bump into him startling him a little.


Katsuki stopped himself, when he saw who had bumped into him. Though he only caught a glimpse of the person he saw.

He saw a familiar scar, and a familiar look.

"That's… It can't be--"

He felt himself move unconsciously, but before he could call out to them… The person… Suddenly vanished.

"...She's gone…?"

"Katsuki-kun!" Reina soon called out.

He jumped at the sound of her voice as she ran back over to him looking happy about something.

"I didn't find exactly what we were looking for, but I found a close second!" She said before noticing the look on his face, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Katsuki looked back over to where he saw the woman, as he had been at a loss for words. "... Katsuki-kun?" Reina said worryingly, "Your scaring me, is everything alright?"

"I… Thought I saw a ghost…" Katsuki had eventually replied.

"... A ghost?" She said somewhat fearfully.

Katsuki noticed the expression she made; he gave a pat on the head making her blush again, "Don't worry about it." He told her, "You said you found something?"

She seemingly snapped out of her trance before she replied, "Ye--yeah! I found something backstage!"

She took his hand and she started to pull him towards the back, making sure no one followed them. Surprisingly enough all of backstage had been empty, not even the staff had been around. She brought him over to a dressing room that looked to be partly open, as she bought him inside.

She bought him over what looked to be that of a book in a glass case. It looked too damaged, showing signs of burns and the pages looked to be yellow. On the cover it looked to have a picture of a black lotus in the middle of it.

"The hell is this?" He said, "Some nerd's journal?"

"Look at the name!" She said pointing to the cover.

He rolled his eyes a little but did what she told him; his eyes widened in shock. On the cover, just on the far corner had read a name.

"Alcina…" He said shocked.

"This proves it!" Reina said to him, sounding excited, "The name Alcina, the same name I saw in my dream and overheard from Shimizu-sensei, whoever she is, is real!"

"Hang on a damn minute here Lollipop Head!" Katsuki said, keeping his voice low, "This doesn't make any sense! If this place is owned by Villains, they would've gotten rid of shit they don't need. So why take the trouble of putting this in a display case like it's some sort of museum?"

"I don't know, maybe whoever owns this place has a hoarding issue." Reina said, "Look, we can worry about it later! Help me get this open!"

Though he still had his thoughts, he decided not to make a big deal, as he helped her out. They tried to remove the lid, though they couldn't make it budge no matter how hard they tried. They put every muscle they had into lifting the lid but it appeared to be stuck.

"Damn it!" Reina said, moving from it and shaking her hands, "It's locked! Maybe there's a key som--"


Reina had been startled by a small explosion; she looked back to the case and Katsuki's hands had been smoking a little, and the case looked partly broken. She only looked at Katsuki surprised as he just held his usual look.

"What?" He said with a shrug, "It saves time."

"You're impossible." She couldn't help but say, amused as she went over to the display case again. She opened the lid, and took the journal from where it sat, being very careful with it. She brushed her fingers along the cover of the book, noting it's texture.

She looked at the logo on the cover, her eyes softening a little.

"That's weird…" She thought to herself, "... This book… This picture… Looking at it... Why do I feel…?"

"What's wrong?" Katsuki asked, noting that she had been oddly silent, "Why did you ge--"

He stopped himself when Reina turned to him and he noticed the look that she gave and something else; her eyes were filled with tears. Though Reina herself didn't seem to notice.

"What?" She asked him.

"... You're crying." He pointed out as he placed his hand on her cheek; brushing away her tears with his thumb. She placed her hand on her other cheek as she finally took notice.

"... Oh…" Reina said as Katsuki cupped her face, "... I guess I am. I'm sorry… I don't know why… I just..."

She found herself in a trance when she looked to his eyes once more, as he wiped away more of her tears. It seemed to stay that way for awhile, before they were snapped out of their thoughts when they heard footsteps.

"Come on, we gotta go." Katsuki told her, taking her hand and leading her out of the dressing room. They had managed to make it back out without arousing suspicion as the crowd looked oblivious.

"Okay, let's find the Yakuza weirdo and--"

Katsuki had been cut off when they were suddenly startled by what they assumed to be the staff of this messed up place. It had been a man, holding what looked to be a bucket filled with paper.

"Why 'ello there you beautiful maiden!" The man said with an accent, with a smile that would make anyone shudder.

Reina had been taken back as the man looked at her oddly; Katsuki, on the other hand, gave a nasty glare.

"Are you referring to me?" Reina asked awkwardly.

"Why, who else would I be referring to love?" The man said circling her, "Never seen you round here before, and I must say, you look stunning! More stunning than the other lovely ladies that come by, with your eyes and that gorgeous hair!"

Reina backed up a little from the man as she felt uncomfortable. "Um… Thanks I guess…" She said nervously.

She jumped when the man took her hand bringing it close to his lips, "I notice you came through the doors earlier and you have bewitched me with your beauty love."

"I--Uh---" She started to stammer.

At this Katsuki couldn't take much more of it, as he pulled Reina to his side, giving the man a glare; though he didn't seem phased.

He gave the man a most terrifying stare as he looked ready to kill him. "Back off asshole." Katsuki said aggressively as he pulled Reina close to him.

"Easy now mate." The man said innocently, "I'm just being polite to the beautiful la--"

"I know what you were doing you goddamn creep!" Katsuki said to him as he grabbed him by the neck of his shirt, "You touch her again and I'll kill you!"

The man lifted his hand up innocently as he chuckled, "Alright, alright, calm down friend, don't get all hostile." He soon held the bowl out to her, "Care to try your luck in our Raffle love?"

"A… Raffle?" Reina said, "You have Raffles here?"

The man suddenly disappeared from Reina and Katsuki's sights; She nearly screamed when the man appeared behind her, making her scream. "Of course we do love!" He said, "It's one of the best things that our lady has been kind enough to entertain her guests with!"

"Your lady?" Reina and Katsuki said.

"Well she's not necessarily my lady, she's everyone's lady!" The man said, "May have her heart like ice, but she knows what people want, and she'll provide!" He held the bowl closer to her, "Come on than love, pick a number and try your luck!"

Reina looked to Katsuki, staying silent; awkwardly, Reina reached her hand into the glass bowl before she pulled out a folded up piece of paper. She looked at what had been written on it.

"24?" She read.

"Oooh! That's a lucky number round here love!" The man said, "Well best of luck to ya, not that you're going to need it. Gotta go make me rounds."

The man vanished in a puff of smoke before they saw him on the far side of the room. "Perverted asshole…" Katsuki grumbled.

"Thank you." Reina said, patting his shoulder, "For defending me like that. Despite how you act, you really are a gentleman."

Katsuki turned red at this, as he only grumbled some more, making Reina giggle.

"Miss!" They heard Michiko yell.

They saw her running towards them, Michiko gave her a hug as she sighed with relief. "Thank goodness you're alright, Miss! I saw that creep talking to ya, and had the urge to punch him!"

"I'm fine Michiko-san, really." Reina said with a smile, "Katsuki-kun defended me."

Michiko looked at Katsuki as she said with a sigh, "Well I suppose I should thank you, Bakugou."

"Bite me Yakuza weirdo." Katsuki said.

Michiko growled as she said, "on second thought, I'll take that back, mutt."


The rest of the group soon joined up with the three of them, as they looked dejected. "We couldn't find anything." Koichi said, "The security here is tighter than I expected."

"We couldn't even get close to the bar with this kind of a crowd!" Kazuho said.

"Did you guys find anything?" Violet asked.

Michiko replied as she shook her head, "not a single clue.."

"Same here." Futsuno said, before she turned to Reina and Katsuki, "What about you guys? Did you find anything?"

"Well, we found a--" Reina started to say.

Suddenly they jumped when the lights dimmed, and had been replaced with colored lights; the crowd started to gather at the stage, causing the group to push along with the crowd, taking them back. Loud music rang through their eardrums, as they tried to steady themselves.

"What the hell is going on!?" Reina exclaimed.

"Ow, you just hit me with your elbow you primsim weirdo!" Katsuki yelled at Michiko.

Michiko yelled as she flipped him off, "F**k off! I did no such thing!"

"Is this really the time to be arguing!?" Victor exclaimed, "Ow, my spleen!"

The stage had soon been filled with smoke that smelled rather odd. A young woman with sharp teeth and nails; she appeared to have scales along her neck of her dark skin. Another girl, a teen jumped out onto the stage, with a smile on her face. Reina and Katsuki froze at the sight of the teen, and her smile.

Though what they didn't notice was the look Michiko gave at the sight of the two of them.

"WHAT'S UP, BITCHES!?" The Young Woman with sharp teeth exclaimed, making the crowd cheered loudly.

"HOW ARE Y'ALL DOING TONIGHT?!" The other shouted as she got air horns on.

The crowd cheered loudly at this while Reina and Katsuki, just stood speechless. "... It's her…" Katsuki said aggressively, "... It's that damn Thinner Villain."

"Vivazo…" Reina said somewhat fearfully.

Koichi and Kazuho looked shocked at this as they looked over to Michiko. "Michiko…" Koichi said, "... Isn't that girl…"

"That girl…" Kazuho said, "... But I thought… The Boss, your parents said--"

"Yeah..i thought so too.." Michiko Said as her breathing seemed to be heavy and her teeth seething in anger. "I can't believe it… My sister is alive."

Reina and Katsuki caught this, as they looked at Michiko surprised. "What!?" They both exclaimed with a hushed whisper.

"Well, well!" The girl with sharp teeth said, "Looks like we got ourselves a full deck tonight, don't we luv?"

The girl named Vivazo said with a giggle, "that we do~"

"I see a lot of new faces, and a lot of old ones too~" The woman said as she winked to the men and women, "For those of you that don't know us… The name's Crock, and this here is my partner, Vivazo, and we welcome you to our special entertainment! Courtesy of our lovely lady!"

Vivazo added as her face turned red, "our dearest Miss Pitch."

"Well she's as disturbing as ever." Reina said as she shuddered.

"How is that Thinner Bitch your sister!?" Katsuki said, looking at Michiko.

Michiko briefly explained, "yeah, Sadly"

"That's really shocking!" Violet and Victor said.

"Indeed." Futsuno said, "How interesting."

"And you're related to that!?" He said, before he realized something, "... Wait a minute… Did she just say Pitch?"

Michiko had been taken back at this as she replied, "I think she did, why?"

"... Oh shit…" He said before he looked at Reina.

The woman named Crock soon said, "I know what you're all waiting for here tonight. You're all here for the main event!"

"Who's ready to claim their prize!?" Vivazo said.

The crowd cheered loudly again at this, making the group jump. Reina had been startled when Katsuki took her hand. "Come on, we have to go now!"

"Katsuki-kun?" Reina said worryingly, "What's wrong?"

"We need to leave, right now!" Katsuki stated, "You're not safe here!"

"What are you--"

The stage soon opened up as they were revealed to be a machine that resembled that of a gumball. "Time to spin that wheel!" Crock said, pulling the lever.

The balls within the machine began to move rapidly after a hiss of air, startling them; Katsuki started to drag Reina through the crowd. "Come on! We have to go!" He told her.

"Baku-chan! Wait!" Futsuno exclaimed.

"Don't leave without us!" Akane said.

"Wa--Wait!" Reina said, "Katsuki-kun! You're hurting me!"

Katsuki took notice of this, and loosened his grip on her, "Reina, please." He said, "We have to get you out of here."

"But why?" She asked, "Why do we have to go?"

"Look I--" He started to say, before he took a deep breath, "--I promise, I'll explain, but just not right now. For now I need you to trust me… Please?"

Reina saw the look in his eyes, the slight fear he had displayed; it had been rare for him to do so, especially if it's around other people. Before she could respond however--

"And we have our lucky number, 24!" Vivazo said, as she held up the number ball in her hand, "Who's the lucky winner this time round?!"

The man from before appeared in a puff of smoke; he took her hand and caught her by surprise. Before Katsuki knew it, she along with the man disappeared in a puff of smoke. The group looked shocked.

"What the--Reina!" Katsuki exclaimed.

Michiko shouted, "MISS!"

"Where did she go!?" Koichi exclaimed.

The puff of smoke appeared again on the stage, and they saw Reina standing next to the man at the center.

"Here's your winner! Right 'ere!" The man said, raising Reina's arm.

She managed to shake her grip from the man before Crock and Vivazo approached making her shrink.

"Well, well, aren't you a little beauty?" Crock commented, putting her face close to hers, "And what would your name be then, Sheila?"

Vivazo said with a giggle, "Yeah cutie~ Tell us~"

Reina stammered a little, "It's uh--" She gulped a little, "--Alice. My name is Alice."

"Alice eh?" Crock said, "Shame, I much preferred Sheila."

Vivazo placed her hand on her shoulder as she said with a smile, "either name is fine~"

"Well than Miss Alice--" Crock said as she soon took out a bat wrapped in what looked to be barbwire; stained with red from behind her back, "—Step right up and claim your prize!"

Reina hesitantly took the bat from Crock as she looked at the bat more closely; raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Is this… Blood?" She thought to herself, "What do they want me to do with this?"

Vivazo held a remote in her hands, and with a click of a button, Reina heard the sound of gears turning. The curtains pulled back and her eyes widened at a horrific sight; Katsuki and the others' eyes widened as they saw what had been on stage.

What stood before the young teen was that of a man; a banker by the look of it. He looked injured, his hair stained with blood, and his clothes had been torn and stained. He held a terrified expression and looked to be crying and struggling in the confines of the ropes that binded him.

"You get to take the first hit!" Crock said, not noticing the expression Reina had made, "Isn't that just grand?"

Vivazo added with a smile, "Go on now! Take a swing!"

Reina looked to the man before her as her hands shook. She saw the look in his eyes as they looked to be pleading to her.

At this, in that exact moment… She knew what she had to do.