


"Stop screaming you, stupid boy!" ara said to Ken, who seemed scared to say another WORD,

as they continued to wander around the dusty streets, keeping a strict eye on anything suspicious.

"~ara" Ren whispered almost like a whisper, only air coming out of his mouth.

to this Ara jumped in surprise and almost crashed on a bicycle rider,

embarrassed by what she just did, her cheeks were painted in a deep shade of red.

Anger evident from her eyes,

"What is your problem, Ren?"

she said looking away from him.

"Uh~ I wanted to ask where in the freaking hell are you even taking me ?"

"I -i"

Ren raised a brow at ara,

she just nervously chuckled,

"I thought you would know where we could hide for a day or two"

"What? what the hell are you talking about w~e, uh I thought you planned everything in advance."

"And what makes you think I was supposed to do that"

now ara raises a brow at ren,

"Fine, we are in no position to fight right now, let's walk towards the blue street, I think I can find ourselves an adobe for a few days"

"Really! You aren't that useless anyway ren"

Ara said gleefully hitting her elbow on ren's back.