Chapter 23: Without Permission to Kiss

"Your Highness, it's time for breakfast." I heard Eliz trying to wake me up.

I slowly got up and rubbed my eyes as I saw Eliz holding a tray of food.

"Eliz, what time is it?"

"It's 7 am, Your Highness."

"It's already 7?"

"Yes, Your Highness and the majesties already fleet to their countries. King Rupert is with His Majesty Zoltan and King Levin to the Almondia Kingdom for their investigation today."

"Oh okay."

"And His Majesty Levin visited you here while you're asleep." my eyes widened concerning that he saw me sleeping with messy hair or, maybe, my mouth is widely open.

"Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. His Majesty begged to me and also to Her Majesty to let you in here. Her Majesty approved. I can't decline him because she already made a decision." Eliz awkwardly explained as I facepalmed in dismay.

"Okay, fine. And can you call Mother, please? I have to talk to her about something a little urgent."

"Yes, Your Highness." she prepares the bed table, puts the tray of food on it, and then leaves.

Eliz's P.O.V

"Goodmorning, Levin. It seems you're too early to come here." I heard His Majesty say once King Levin arrived.

The Kings and Queens already woke up to fleet back in their respective countries and are now in the dining hall for a breakfast before leaving.

I was holding a laundry basket that are full of Princess Oceana's clothes when a man's body blocked my way.

"Your Majesty Levin? Can you excuse me and let me go through?"

"Ahh... Now I know where did Princess Oceana got that slant."

"U-uh, n-no! No, Your Majesty! It wasn't meant like that. It's just... t-the laundry b-basket is h-heavy..." I grunt stuttered while trying to keep my hands holding a tight grip on the basket.

"Oh! Apologies!" he hurriedly swerves on the side as I run in speed to avoid the basket from falling.

"Ms. Eliz! Her Majesty hates someone running in the hallway!" Luca sermons when I passed by.

I finally reach the utility room and stamp the basket to the floor.

"Phew! That was so heavy." I sigh in relief.

"These clothes are only just two days before I wash the first batch yet this is already this few? Well, Royals are royals indeed." I said to myself.

"I didn't thought you can whine like her." I widened my eyes and turn my head at my back and saw King Levin standing at the door.

"Y-Your Majesty?"

"Before you say anything, don't worry. I wouldn't tell that to anyone. But I have a favor for you."

"Is this a deal?" he suddenly chuckles as I get confused.

"No, no. Don't think anything like that. I'm not that kind of a person."

"O-oh, well... thank you, Your Majesty."

"Yeah, so stop worrying. Anyways, I just wanted you to do me a favor. Again, don't think that this is a deal. I'm not asking something in return for hearing that."

"Then, what is it, Your Majesty?"

"Please let me see her." he holds my hands and squeezed them, begging for me to help him.

I was still actually thinking that I should do this because he heard my complaint and I hate to be separated from Her Highness if he told this to Her Majesty. I just don't trust him completely that's all.

"But, Your Majesty. Her Highness is still in her dream land."

"It's fine for me. I just want to see her before Father and I go to Almondia for the investigation. We will be there for several days or less, it depends on the investigation when it's finished. Please, Eliz?" he begs again as I just sigh again and nods in no choice.

"O-okay. Before I start my laundry let's go to Her Highness' chamber." his smile brightens up as he let go of my hands.

I voluntarily lead the way to Her Highness' chamber and enter there with King Levin. I signaled him to go to her bed as I go out to be a lookout, leaving the door slightly opened.

It's been 10 minutes already yet he is still in there. I slowly opened the door to take a peek at them. I was about to speak when His Majesty's face slowly went near to Her Highness' face.

And then...

His lips finally landed on hers.

I covered my mouth in shock to prevent gasping with my eyes once again widely opened, watching the scenario that is clearly seen by my eyes.

The kiss wasn't just a peck but his mouth moved about 2 or 3 moves. I don't know but it's kinda awkward to watch but I still watched.

The kiss lasted for almost one minute and then he let go. He kissed her forehead, did nose to nose kiss, and then pats her head.

He finally stands up and glance at Her Higness one last time and then she leaves.

I hurriedly leaned my back at the wall when I saw him walking towards the exit and when he got out from the chamber, he closes the door and looks at me. He lift his index finger and put it on his lips. I nod to him as he leaves me dumfounded.

He saw me watched him kissing Her Highness.

Oceana's P.O.V

I was about to feed myself when a knock the door disturbs.

"Come in." I said as Mother came in with Eliz.

"Eliz said you wanted me here for something."

"Yes, Mother."

"Spill." she said as she sit on my bed.

"Mother, King Levin will be away for a few days. No royal relatives are in Mondreich for Prince Ephraim's funeral. I wanted to be there on behalf of his brother and as a King's wife." I straightly said to Mother.

"But darling, you aren't allowed to come there yet because someone will surely waiting for you to get you."

"Mother, I can bring Rainier's squad to be with me. And also, I will be a Queen there. I wanted to cooperate atleast once or twice to prove that I am not just a display to be a Queen. I still have to catch Mondrian people's trust to me as their ally. Not an enemy." I deeply look at Mother's eyes to convince her and she gave me a smile.

"I wouldn't thought that my dear daughter is this responsible to her future obligations." she fixes my hair and cups my cheeks.

"Well, I guess I don't have a choice then. Finish your meal first then get dress."