Chapter 25: Private Meeting with the Prime Minister

"Welcome to your office, Your Majesty." Mr. Havoc greets me as he opens the room's door. I entered the room slowly and scanned it thoroughly..

"This room was built in just one week while His Majesty was preparing your grand wedding," Mr. Havoc said as he followed me around.

"Your office is already furnished and equipped." I approach the table, which appears to be brand new. As it came to a halt on the medium-sized red box, I slid my hands there and noticed something.

2 words are engraved on the lid of the box.

"The Queen." I read. I look at Mr. Havoc and then he bows his head down.

"The Prime Minister will be arriving shortly to have a personal meeting with you, Your Majesty," he reminded as he took the paperwork from his assistant butler.

"These are the documents to be discussed with the Prime Minister regarding His Majesty Levin." I sat in my chair, and he handed me the papers.

Because the papers were in a deck, I only looked at them one at a time.

"His Majesty did not say you should do this right away. He wants you to wait until he returns from the investigation," he added as I nodded.

"How long will the Prime Minister be here?" I inquired as the door burst open.

"Your Majesty, please accept my apologies for the intrusion, but the Prime Minister has finally arrived," a knight barged in as the Prime Minister entered and bowed his head while holding his hat.

"Good morning, Your Majesty Oceana." he greeted.

"Good morning, Prime Minister."

"The name is Walid, Your Majesty." as I nod, he smiles. I closed the door and signaled Mr. Havoc with my eyes as he walked out with his assistant.

"I won't be here long, Young Majesty, due to His Highness Prince Ephraim's funeral, so shall we discuss these papers?" he asked politely.

"Yes, Walid, you may sit here," I said as he sat in the chair in front of me.

"Now, this deck of papers is not only for you to use, but also for His Majesty." I nod, listening intently.

"Actually, His Majesty only wanted me to discuss the first project you would do as Queen with him; the following documents will be simple to explain, and he volunteers to explain them to you."

"It's fine," he said as he handed me the papers, which I placed in my box.

"Well, let's get started. This first project is—-" he cleared his throat, as if trying to hide a smile on his face. I gave him a puzzled look as he resumed speaking.

"Please accept my apologies, your Majesty. However, let us proceed. The first project that His Majesty wishes to appoint is a tour to Paris."

"What will be our goal there?" I inquired.

"Well, His Majesty has a speech to give there because he has already finished his collaboration for the Republic of France as a volunteer of the proposed charity for poor people living on the streets," he explains.

"So, the only thing you'd do there is be with him because he has to introduce you to the people of France; the president of France also wishes and wants you to be there and has even checked a private hotel for both of you and the entire team you'll be bringing."

"OK, is that it?" he asks, feigning a smile.

"Your Majesty, it is with great sadness that I inform you that you will be replacing Prince Ephraim in this project because he has been assigned to it," he sadly stated.

"Me? A replacement? What do you mean?" sighs he.

It hurt to hear that I was merely a replacement, but I couldn't deny it because it was true.

"It means you will replace His Highness Ephraim for the charity event in Paris. Prince Ephraim was the previous volunteer before His Majesty Levin. King Levin is just a temporary volunteer since Prince Ephraim's illness got worse until you came in and got married. It was automatically planned after the arranged marriage meeting and that was requested by Prince Ephraim himself." he smiles.

My heart flutters knowing that the Prince wanted me to be in charge of the charity in his name, but once there, the Republic of France will undoubtedly be saddened when we announce his death.

"Prime Minister Walid?" I inquired of him.

"Do you agree, Your Majesty?"

"Will we announce his death there?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, and it is a must; we must announce it because Prince Ephraim was Paris's brother." I look at him confusedly for what he just said.

"Brother of Paris?" he suddenly chuckles.

"I don't want to tell you all of the information about him. It is better for you to know it once you're finally there." he smiles as he starts to fix his bow and prepare his suitcase.

I get to my feet and clasp my hands together, waiting for him to finish.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, but I still have to attend a court meeting."

"One last question, Prime Minister."

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"In the monarchy... One person can only lead the country. It is in the law, right?" he nods.

"Then, why is Father called a King?"

"Good question, Your Majetsy." he clears his throat.

"His Majesty Zoltan was supposed to be a Prince Consort when he married to Her Majesty Cliodhna. He was called a King or a King Consort because he has the blood of a noble family and especially because he was going to be married to a Queen Regnant. His rank title will not go up if Her Majesty isn't a Queen at that time but it changed because your grandparents died. The government decided to give it to him. But he will not be a King and lead the country if the Queen dies because the only person who can lead the country is one of the Queen's family or her child, which is you, Your Majesty." I nod, amazed but perplexed.

"I am sure that the court or someone here already told you what your title is and the reason behind it." he added.

"Yes." I nod as he smiles.

"I should go now, Your Majesty. I must arrive there without being late." he bows while holding his hat and then leaves, escorted by a knight.

I was honestly unprepared for future obligations. I don't want to be overly reliant on my husband. I have to do it deliberately because my title, being from Starnstadt, a former enemy of Mondreich, is important in this country.

I need to become proficient in all situations.