Chapter 29: Disrupted Lunch Date

"Your Majesties, come this way," a waiter assisted us and led the way to the restaurant's entrance. After we entered, I noticed that there are only noble people inside.

"Have a seat, Your Majesties," two of the waiters say as we both take a seat.

"May I take your order?" I open the menu, which contains a variety of dishes that can be eaten with or without rice.

"Can I please have a cordon blue?" Levin asked the waiter.

"With or without rice?" inquired the waiter.

"With please."

"How about an appetizer as well as the dessert, Your Majesty?"

"Well, I'll get a sweet-tart for dessert and a vegetable salad for an appetizer."

"Okay, listed. How about you, Your Majesty Oceana? Do you already pick an order?" the waiter finally asked.

"Oh, yes. Uhm, can I have a beef wellington, please?" I saw Levin slightly giggle as I roll my eyes.

"How about an appetizer and a dessert?"

"Well, I'll get what's his also, thank you."

"Okay, listed. Is that all your majesties?"

"Oh, and an iced tea for our drinks." Levin added.

"I am sorry, Your Majesty but iced tea isn't available in this restaurant. We only offer water and wine."

"Oh, it's okay. We will have them both. Two waters and two wines."

"Listed. Coming right up!" the waiter said as he leaves.

As I glare at him, I rest my elbows on the table and my palms on my cheeks.

"Can I ask what's with a laugh?" I confront.

"I'm sorry, my love, you just looked cute while ordering, and you seemed nervous. Is this your first time ordering?"

"Yes, I am an introverted person, so I don't often go out for a meal, but when Mother and Father decide to go out, I'll just order what they order as well," I explained.

A waiter approached us with our appetizer and drinks, then quickly left.

"Ah... an introverted princess." I nod.

He began to eat both his and my appetizer.

"Does it bother you if we go on a trip next week?"

"No, not at all. To be honest, it's new to me because these are heavy duties, but that's fine; I'll adjust as long as I can."

"Good for you, then," he said as I returned his smile.

I noticed a man's figure in the corner of my eye and turned to look at him.

He's dressed in a black coat and hat. Absolutely dressed in black.

Maybe he may also have been among those who mourned earlier so I just shrugged it all out.

The meals finally arrived along with the wines and waters as we put the napkins on our lap.

"Here you go. Cordon blue with rice and beef wellington, partnered with wines and waters. Are the orders complete, Your Majesties?" the waiter said.

"Yes, thank you."

"Okay, orders complete. Enjoy your meal!" as the waiter bows then leave.

I sliced ​​some meat and tasted it.

"Mm... tasty and juicy." I said.

"Here, have some of mine." he scooped a spoon of rice with the slice of the food and then he fed me.

"Mm! Cheesy!" I giggle.

The foods here are delicious and I just sometimes want to go back here anytime.

"I see that you already like here." Levin said while chewing his food.

"They serve fresh meat. Look at this when I squish it with a fork." I pressed the fork to the meat as the juices came out."

"See, you can also smell the aroma."

"I see, I should order that when we come back." he said I nod.

"And it was cooked by pouring wine instead of oil."

"How can you say?"

"The meat looks raw but when you sliced it open, it was cooked very well. And it tastes wine since the juice of the meat was mixed to the wine." I explained.

"I'd say you have a good tongue," he said in praise.

"I just like food, that's all." he chuckles as I giggle.

"Your Majesty!" a knight rushed towards us as we both plastered an anomalous look.

"Your Majesty Levin, Your Majesty Oceana, I deeply apologize for interrupting your meal but--"

"This must be an emergency or face the consequences later." I look at him and raise my eyebrows.

"U-uh, Your Majesty--" the knight stutteringly talked in terrified.

"Levin, you don't have to be stern just for that and let him finish first before you can talk." I reprimand.

People are watching us while others are gossiping.

"Fine. What is it?" he asked the knight in a serious tone.

"Um, Your Highness Ephraim had seen getting out here at the restaurant!"

"What?!" we both exclaimed.

"You're really testing me! We have brought my brother to his final resting place earlier!"

"B-but, Your Majesty!"

"Wait. Is he wearing black coat and black hat?" I asked.

I did recall someone's figure that looks really like Ephraim. He's sitting at the table near us, holding a newspaper.

"Yes, Your Majesty, he is being pursued by our knights right now."

"Pursuing?" Levin inquired, as the knight agreed.

"He's attempting to escape from us, Your Majesty."

He should not run and hide from the knights if it is not him...

"We're not sure if it's him, but if it's not Ephraim, he shouldn't have to escape from us," I say.

"Indeed. Go find him right away! Waiter!" he ordered the knight, raising her hand to attract the waiter's attention.

"Yes, Your Majesty? Would you want some more?"

"No, but, can you pack these leftovers? There's something urgent came up but we also loved your foods here and we would want to eat it after the emergency."

"No need to sound apologetic, Your Majesty. We are willing to pack these for you and let you come back here again." the waiter smiled.

"Thank you. And please leave the receipt. I'll be going now. Mr. Havoc will receive the food and will pay for it."

"No problem, Your Majesty."

"Oceana, let's go." we both stand up then hurriedly exited the restaurant.