Chapter 31: Lips Collided

"Your Majesty!"

I got pulled quickly inside the blanket.

My head was on his chest as I heard his heart thumps fast.

"Eh? Where's Her Majesty?"

"Uh- She just got out."

"Well, I did not see her go out nor bump in to her."

I carefully facepalmed.

What a lame excuse Levin.

And why do I need to hide? Is this for real?

"Uhm- She goes out minutes after you go out. Though, she needs to go to the bathroom."

"Oh, okay. Anyways, we captured the person who we thought it's His Highness Ephraim."

"Why bother capturing him? Atleast just take a look at him and you can let him go."

"But General McGunning suspected him as a spy since he run from us without eplaining himself. General McGunning wants you there to look at the mysterious man and have a decision."

"Okay." I heard him sigh.

"What?" I heard him speak.

"U-uhm... I will be waiting for you, Your Majesty."

"No. You an go first. I will wait for Oceana here."

"As you wish, Your Majesty; I will simply place your Antidote here so that when you return to bed, you will drink this first before proceeding with the rest."

My heart raced as I heard Mr. Havoc's footsteps approaching.

I peered through a small hole above me to see him quickly grab the medicine and place it on his side table.

"I will," I said as I heard footsteps fade and the door close.

"What was that?" I asked as I pushed myself out of bed.

"That what?" he asked.

"That! Why do you need to hide me from him?"

"It's not what you think, okay? We were about to put our lips together so, I didn't have the chance to think since Havoc suddenly just barged in."


"Well, I think it's embarrassing if he caught us kissing?" he scratches the back of his head then I lift my eyebrow.

"I'm sorry. Now, come here." he put his arms in front of him, waiting for me to come to him for an embrace.

I hugged him and smiled at him.

And then...

We finally put our lips together.

Author's P.O.V

Havoc closes the door as he smiles.

"Oh, Your Majesty... You don't have to hide it from me." he chuckles.

Oceana's P.O.V

We both get out of his chamber as we walk while our hands together.

We reached the underground and saw the mysterious man unharmed.

"Y-Your Majesty! Please! I have a wife and daughters! They still need me! I didn't do anything! Cross my heart!"

"I know. Untie the rope." he ordered.

"T-thank you, Your Majesty!" he kneels down and kisses Levin's shoes. I went shocked by what he did because this is new to me.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Oceana!" he then kneels down to me and was about to kiss my shoes but I pat his shoulder.

"Please, don't bother kissing it. It is dirty. Plus, you didn't do anything." his eyes were watery and then Levin pulled his arms to get up.

"Apologize to him." Levin commanded the knights and also General McGunning as they bows down and apologized.

"We are truly sorry for the false accusation. Please, accept our apology." McGunning leads to speak to the man.

"I-it is okay. Uhm, You Majesty? Can I go now? My wife and children must be waiting for me since I am out for hours."

"Okay. But, may I ask why you dressed like that? You really look suspicious so we really thought you are someone we know or the spy." Levin asked the man as he scratch his nape.

"Well, I was waiting for someone important there for business purposes, and I am the owner of the antique shop near the restaurant, but he didn't meet me, so I got out of there suddenly, and I heard someone talking about me, and I thought they really wanted to arrest me for doing nothing, so I ran," he shyly smiles as Levin chuckles.

"We apologize for the accusations; please accompany him to the exit."

"Thank you, Your Majesty! And to you too Your Majesty Oceana!" he cheerfully said as I smile at him.

The knights escorted him on the way out of the underground as we follow them.

"Now, what are we gonna do? Our lunch got disrupted earlier so I am a bit hungry." Levin said.

"So was I." I answered.

"But I am also tired. Maybe we can eat at my chamber? What do you think?" he suggested.


"Havoc, please go straight to the kitchen and prepare a meal for two. Let them deliver it to my chamber."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

We both go to his chamber as he plops himself on his bed.

"Drink your antidote after you eat." I reminded him.

"Yes, Your Majesty." he said with mockery.

"Really?" I said as he chuckles.

"Why are you just standing there? You don't want to sit with me?" he said as he sits back then I sit beside him.

"You are such a baby."

"Yeah. Your baby." he winks. I giggle at his silliness.

"Why are you acting so ridiculous?" I ask.

"I don't know but I am feeling that way today." he chuckles.

"I don't know that you have this side of you too."

"Now you know."

"You did this too to Lucinda huh?" he looks at me confused then he chuckles.


"Oh, shut up." I lay down and hides my face with a blanket.

I'm embarrassed right now. I just showed a much more cringeworthy side of myself than he did.

"Hey, don't be like that." he tried to pull my blanket but I tightly hold it.

"Stop!" I heard him chuckle once more.

"You stop. It is normal to feel that way. I don't mind that."

"No! You're making fun of me!"

"I'm not. I'm just surprised that you can be so easily jealous." he pulls the blanket off with force as I cover my tomato face with my hands, then he pulls it off himself.

"First and above all, I didn't do that to Lucinda; as I previously stated, I didn't feel any love for her because we were just forced by my Grandfather. And second, this is the first time I did this to someone." I felt more embarrassed for blaming him and blushed by saying I was the first person to witness him doing this.

This is how jealousy attacks a person. I see...

I realized that I can be immature sometimes regarding my feelings.

"I'm sorry..." I shyly said and look on the other way.

"It's okay." he then made me look right into his eyes.

"You want my assurance, right?" I bite my lip and just stare at him.

"I'll take that as a yes." he smiles.

"Love, I will do anything so you can't doubt my love for you." he slowly makes his face close to me.

"You are the only woman I loved next to my Mother."

He then passionately kisses my lips.