Dr. Bai

The central hospital-

The next day Chase woke up in a hospital, he only remembered saying something to Charles and passing out.

The white hallways smelled like medicine and disinfectants. The sunlight today was warm yet felt light, Chase didn't close the windows. The sunrays made him feel alive in contrast to Bai's lecture.

"Are you even listening?" The beta stood there with Chase's reports in his hand.

Chase nodded while putting his face in his right hand. It was hard to move the other due to an IV drip.

"Why don't we talk when you wake up completely?" Hearing this Chase suddenly rubbed his eyes slightly. He was unconscious for six-hour but he still felt tired.

"No, please continue." Chase looked at Bai as a child who was sitting at the breakfast table on Sunday morning. As if he didn't want to get up but was forced, too.

"I will talk to Nicolas." Bai slightly smiled closing his deep black eyes. If he wasn't doing his job right now he would have smacked the silver-haired to open his eyes. But he was a doctor and Chase was his patient, a patient who didn't care about his own appointment time and health.

"Fine," Chase mumbled before going back to sleep on the hospital bed.

"Mr Xavier?" Bai stopped Nicolas in the hallway of the hospital. Nicolas raised his eyebrows hearing the formal name from the doctor mouth. But he let it slide, though he knew Bai due to the sole reason for his friendship with Chase. He understood him too well not to mention his professionalism towards his job.

"Yes, doctor Bai."

Bai made 'eh' sound hearing the word doctor but resume talking about his patient for now.

"The reason for Chase poor health seems to be anaemia, stress and his irregular heat cycle," Bai told his conclusion to Nicolas with a serious face. He had studied Chase's medical history to understood anaemia and his irregular heat cycle. But the stress factor was new to him. He glanced at Nicolas to calculate his mood as he didn't want to come off as a gossiper by asking about their family matters.

"How many days are you going to keep him here?" Nicolas ignored the black eyes observing him. For him, Bai was a beginner to be reading the mood with him.

"Uh...he can get discharged today, if he doesn't feel like coming to the hospital I can visit your home for him." Bai

squeezed the notepad in hand.

"No need, he is not a child to miss further appointments with you."

Bai froze before nodding at Nicolas' response. 'He didn't need to react that strongly.'

The people in the hallway seemed to be getting louder to his ears as he took his leave from Nicolas. After walking few steps further from the emotionless man he found his phone vibrating in his white coat. He slides the icon to see the name.

A helpless smile came on his face seeing the name of the iceberg Nicolas Xavier. He quickly turned around to look for the man but he wasn't there leaving him with the only option of picking up the call. But he decided to use the second option, he disconnected the call and went to see his other patients who were waiting for him.

On another side, Nicolas' red eyes got darker seeing his call getting cut multiple times. He came out of the hospital rooms balcony to see his brother bickering with Charles Zimin who seemed to have come to meet him.

Nicolas greeted the latter with a smile and excused himself from the room with the reason of overseeing the process of Chase's discharge. Chase found his brother's excuse laking but he already had his hand full with Charles Zimin.

Despite Chase being skeptical about Charles, both of them seemed to get along fine as 'business partners'.

Chase brought the talk of various projects he has taken part in with the Galactica group including the fewer newer ones. But ignored Charles' attempts to take the conversation to any personal level.

"How about visiting the next site together?" Charles placed an offer for Chase to accept or reject. But Chase only stared at him before agreeing.

'Idiot!' Chase put a fake smile on his face while cursing Charles inside for offering to work when he was lying in a hospital bed.

As Nicolas entered the room once again Charles stood up taking his leave. Chase glanced at the bouquet and the note.

The bouquet was kind of weird looking for Chase as if the florist just slapped all the flowers present in the shop together. Chase frown seeing it, as he decided to give Charles' assistant the card of the bouquet shop he owned. Chase saw a business opportunity even in the smallest detail.

The silver-haired pick up the note from his bedside table expecting a printed note of getting well soon. But the beautiful handwriting left him awestruck.

"What are you reading?" Nicolas asks his brother while helping his assistant Ryan and other bodyguards to pack by just standing.

"A love letter from Zimin's assistant," Chase spoke in a nonchalant voice. But the air in the room got colder, making the female bodyguard lose her focus and injure Ryan's finger in the bag's zipper.

"Ouch-" Ryan pulled his hand back with force and started to blow on it.

"Ryan, keep it down," Nicolas ordered Ryan in low voice but it felt scarier than usual. Chase was observing the exchange between them with his blue eyes like a lazy cat. He felt bad for his assistant but right now he was more pitiful lying in a hospital bed.

"Sorry, sir," Ryan spoke in a low voice while cursing the bodyguard in his head.

At the same time, highway road.

Ivan felt chills down his spine as he handed his boss the files for the new construction project with Xavier group in the car. He felt scared for an unknown reason his sixth sense was telling him something was wrong but he was sitting in a closed car with bodyguards present. He shook his head stopping himself from thinking about bad things.