
*Clack* Chase reset the air conditioner thrice as he was feeling hotter in the car than he was feeling outside today.

"Are you okay?" Charles felt in whether he should increase his car's speed or he should drive slow due to Chase's condition.

"I am just sweating, it's too hot in the car," Chase answered Charles not looking at him in the eye. He was rather enjoying the sea that could be seen through the window.

Charles found himself in another confusion hearing Chase's answer. "It's middle of winter, even if we live near the sea you can't be sweating this much. Are you sure you are feeling okay?"

Chase turn towards Charles who seemed to have been more worried about his health than Chase himself was for a whole day. "No, I am perfectly fine Mr Charles. Maybe you should stop if you are tired of driving?" Chase taunted Charles sarcastically but Charles stopped the car at the side of the road.

He opened his side of the door before opening the door for Chase to come out. Chase gulped as he thought of a scenario where Charles will leave him by the beach.

"Come out," Charles spoke in his normal tone but it seemed cold to Chase's ear. Watering the planted seed of doubt in his head.

"You are not thinking of leaving me here."

Charles stopped for a moment as his brain was unable to process what the silver-haired said. Leading him to laugh after a pause. Chase's lips formed a line the sight of a handsome guy laughing was all sweet until the guy was leaving him by road.

"I wouldn't want to get beaten by Nicolas." Charles took a breath as he was out of breath from laughing. Chase wasn't much pleased with that answer either.

"He should do it for real." Chase walked some distance until he reached the sand. He didn't want shoes to get dirty depriving him of having any fun.

"What have I done to deserve a beating?" Charles followed behind Chase with his both hand in his pocket. He was going to put his coat on the silver-haired guy's shoulder but got a threatening look.

"Do an omega look that weak to you?" Chase didn't realise it himself at first but his voice was loud. On the beach he sounded colder with just two of them and the wind. Chase's expression looked hurt but he could take his words back. He turned his back toward Charles as he bit his lips trying to maintain his emotions.

"I..." Charles holds the jacket in his hand tight, he didn't have the motive of hurting Chase. No in fact he never even imagine ever hurting the other guy. He took a breath, he had two options in this situation. It was either to clear the misunderstanding or let Chase have his time. "I was just worried about your health. You might not know but I was really worried when you first collapsed in front of me."

Chase sighed hearing Charles, he was in the mood to argue now. But Charles was stretching the subject. "Are you sure your decision today about taking me home wasn't based on the reasoning that I am an omega?"

Charles massaged his temples hearing Chase's question. To him, the question seemed kind of absurd.

"No." Charles firmly answered Chase who didn't seem to be buying it. At first, he wasn't going to explain it but it seemed there was a big misunderstanding between them which he didn't know existed. "I only thought of your health at that time. And if I thought of omega's as weak I would have done the same for Ryan."

Chase nodded his head until heard the last sentence. "What did you just say at last?"

Charles got scared thinking if he had said something wrong for real this time. "I would have done the same for Ryan."

"What?" Chase hurriedly pulled his phone out of his pocket. "You have to say it, again."

Charles was stupidified with Chase's sudden change in attitude. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you just called a dominant alpha an omega. So yeah pretty much nothing is wrong." Chase tilted his head, saying it casually. "Ryan is going to be furious hearing that."

Charles moved closer to where Chase was standing. "Does he normally get confused as an omega?"

Chase nodded his head in a 'no' as he found there wasn't any range on the beach. "But people usually confuse us as a couple."

Charles gave an 'oh' as a response to Chase. He wanted to deny it but he kind of felt jealous of Ryan. Even today their interactions were genuine while with him, Chase was either faking his emotions or lashing out at him.

"Dang, there isn't a network here. Is this place hours away from our city?" Charles looks in the direction of Chase who was trying to find a network on the beach. The cold beach wind was flowing, Charles felt memorized by the person in front of him who wasn't ready to open his heart to him. "Would you like something from me?"

Charles touched his lips as he spoke his thoughts. Chase put his phone back in the pocket and look Charles in the eye.

Charles could see the resemblance between the light blue eyes and the sea that was reflecting the milky way star. Both shone reflecting their brightness in the dark world. As more time passed by Chase felt more like something out of his reach.

Chase frown at seeing Charles staring in thin air making him feel like pulling one or two pranks on him.

"Maybe sex?" Chase blurted the words causally knowing well what reaction he was going to get. But he kind of felt wanting to do it for some reason. 'Was he pent up?'

Charles looks at Chase in unbelief. He was sure it was the winds fault as he was hearing things now. "Did you say something?"

"Weren't you the one asking if I want something from you? I said sex."

Charles thought for few minutes. "You are kidding, what kind of desperate person will ask like that?" Charles chuckled at what he just said. But his face looked as if his life depended on hearing 'it's a joke' from Chase.

"Well, I am sorry for being desperate then." Chase smiled as he started to leave Charles by the beach. Charles followed behind him instantly as he realised Chase was going back inside the car. "Hey, wait."

Charles almost needed to run to catch up with the silver-haired it wasn't like this before. He kind of wanted to go back in time to change what he said.

Charles opened his side of the door to see Chase wearing his seat belts. Charles didn't waste time and got inside the car. "I am sorry if I hurt you feeling."

Chase wanted to say that Charles was really done for in his mind but he just smiled and said it was fine. In a way, Chase was crueller than he knew.

Charles drove the car further as they now reached the city the awkwardness in the car had only escalated. Chase still found himself sweating but he realised something was wrong.

"Mr Charles, I think you should send me to my apartment than my house."

Charles looks at Chase in a confused state as he was told the location. "Do you need a doctor?" Charles felt horrified thinking Chase was going to collapse again.

"No, I am just having my heat," Chase said looking fine but hearing it only made Charles scared. Chase could see Charles was imagining the worst-case scenario. Charles felt his hand sweating in the cold car as he realised only alpha suppressants were present in the car.

Charles stopped the car in Chase's apartments parking lot. There were many cars in the parking lot of the building which didn't put Charles heart at ease. He quickly got out to open the door for Chase but Chase outran him at it.

The silver-haired seemed fine at first glance but his neck was turning redder by second not to mention his breathing was heavy. "Thank you for sending me here."

Chase finish his sentence and almost ran towards the elevator door. He clicked on the button a few times but his patient was low.


The elevator door opened with a group of people coming down from a party. Chase's face got paler at the sight but his feet were heavy. He shut his eyes closed just wanting the crowd to pass. 'His luck was really bad today.'

"Is there a party going on?" Charles asked the silver haired guy since he lived here but Chase's eyes were tight close.

Chase opened his eyes to see Charles shielding him with his hand as the crowd pass by them. Chase moved closer to Charles, at this moment the man felt safer.

Charles slowly walked Chase inside the elevator after it got empty. He took a breath after pushing Chase's floors button. He could feel numerous pheromones in the lift making him want to puke.

Chase pressed the code on the pad at his apartment door even the few seconds were feeling like decades to him. Not to mention Charles was standing behind him with his gaze not leaving him at all.

"Are you not leaving?" Chase ask Charles making him feel embarrassed for some reason.