
Danzel took Grace to the secret place.....Deep between the forest there was a big Banyan Tree. Around that tree there was a Tree guard in black colour. Then Danzel took out a remote from his pocket and clicked a button on that remote...

And suddenly there appears a door! attached from the tree guard. Grace was like "What the hell on earth is this!" She was totally blank.....

The room could only be opened with the 'Iris of Danzel's Eyes'. Danzel opened his eyes wide and....Bhushhhhh! The door opens.

"Let's go now, or someone will see us." Danzel muttered.

And they proceeded to their way. As soon as they went inside the door, the door closed itself and everything outside the door came back to its original form, Everything Normal!

" What the hell on earth is this! And how is, means I can't believe my eyes. Did you took the government's permission to build this underground world.....An.." Grace tightened a line of questions in front of Danzel.

Danzel cut her words and spoke - "Now before asking more useless questions, listen to me! I've not taken anyone's permission to build this..... Although It's my own land.... I've owned this whole forest land.....And I am not a robber at all!"

" Then who are you, are a the owner of Gucci...or Versace....or Dior...Who the damn are you! Goddddd!" The confused Grace asked Danzel about how can he earn this much.

"Well, you have to lock your mouth, because you are Really! Very!...Talkative....." Danzel was tired of her endless talks.

And then they reached at the bottom of the room. Everything was dark over there, nothing was clearly visible. And Danzel again pressed a button and... the lights turned on. And Grace went blank after seeing that place.... because the room in which they entered was full of.... paintings of Danzel.....There was not even a single space left on the walls because of the paintings.

" What the hell is that! Means are you obsessed with yourself that much....heheheheeee! I don't knew it...." Grace spoke laughing at Danzel.

" Well, I am sure now that you are a total...CRACK HEAD!...See Now,.....In all these pictures there are hidden cameras and Lazer beam fitted, Now if you'll go inside.....you will burst at the exact moment because if your identity is not saved in the cameras, so, as soon as you'll keep your leg outside this line,.... Lazer Beam will be produced by itself and you will burst out....its for the security here.....But I've already added your identity here. So, we can proceed further to the next room." Danzel explained everything about the entrance and Grace was scared to death! Because now she was totally sure that this man is insane...

" A-A-Arr-Are you sure...that if now I'll move in then I'll not be bursted...." The scared Grace asked.

"Umm, Well I'm not sure, cause machines cannot be totally believed...Hahahhahaaaaaaaa" Danzel teased Grace.

"Don't worry, you will not die this soon....." And Danzel bursted into laughter.

Then they both proceeded towards the next door and when they opened the door.....Whatttttttttt!

There was a totally white room with a white table and white food with a very irritating sound playing in the background.

"Aah! Stop that sound! It's so irritating! I can't bare it anymore! Aaahhhhhhh!" Grace shouted after listening the sound.

And then Danzel stopped the sound.

"Now, what's this up!", Grace asked.

" Hmmm! This is my 'TORTURE ROOM'. It is made to torture people and take out stuff or can say evidences from their mouths. Although it is the best punishment which can be given to a person.

It's comes a good use for me...." Danzel explained it with a smirk at last.

" Well! You are totally insane but this is a good idea. But ca...." Danzel cuts her words and said to proceed to the next room.

The next room was a bad ass one. Grace opened the next door and...Aaaaaaaaa!.....She was totally shocked. She wasn't even able to understand what was the motive of making this horrible room.....Wanna know what was in the room.....So listen.

The room was a dark room with splashes of blood on the wall. It was a horrible room made to give punishment to people.....There were very High-tech machines made just to give punishment to people...

" Aah! God! Holy Shit! What the hell is this now!" Grace asked shocked.

"So this is my punishment room...Here i provide punishment to the Evil people who deserves this." Danzel explained again.

"Can't be described in words!" Grace said.

"So let's proceed to our next room...Our second last room....After watching this room.... Don't shout or overreact! Okk!" Danzel requested her not to shout after watching this room.

And they proceeded towards the next and the second last room. And then Grace opened the door....."Aaahhhhhhhhhh!" Grace shouted as expected by Danzel but Danzel shutted up her mouth with his hands.

" Aah! As expected by you!" Danzel sighs.

" What the hellllll is this!" Grace shouted!.

The shouting of Grace was absolutely correct because the things she saw next were insane... The room was full of .....'Guns'!

Guns everywhere, guns and guns. Different-different kinds, different brands such as

'Smit And Wesson', ' Remington Outdoor', 'Beretta, and many more. Different types such as 'Thompson', 'AK- 47', ' Heckler And Koch' and Numerous Weapons.

She was totally blank after seeing this...

"I can't believe my eyes! How did you get them! You are totally mad!....." Grace was already feeling dizzy.

" These are my guns collection. Aren't they awesome!" Danzel feeling proud on his collection said this to Grace.

"Now without wasting our time let's move to the last and the best room ever you must have seen in your life." Danzel says to proceed to the next room.

" Already gone insane! Now let's see this room too." Grace said feeling dizziness.

And when they opened the door of the next room. No it's not that easy to open this room....This can only open with Danzel's face and A code word, which only Danzel knew.

" 'Il fagiolo chi si apre di Danzel. Ti Amo'" Danzel spoke the code in Italian and the door opens!

Sighs by Grace " Let's go from here, cause now I am imagining things! Let's go" Grace was so shocked after seeing what was in the room that she lost her state of mind.

" Hey Grace! That's the truth. You are not imagining things. That's all true."


So are you all excited to see what was in the room that after seeing it Grace lost her state of mind. So Do read my next Chapter to open this suspense.
