
The news was very shocking. It was literally shocking because there biggest enemy.....Is No More!.

The news was that Basil and William were coming from a meeting and a truck came and crashed their car. Basil is in the ICU and William Howard is taking his last breaths.

"I think we should go there, at least to meet William Sir. I was very beloved to him. Let's Go na....!", Grace said.

"Yes, I think we should go there.", Danzel said and they went to the hospital. Basil was in another ward and they went to meet William Sir. He was lying on the bed taking his last breaths. They went to him and, David, his second son was sitting next to him holding his hand in his hands and shedding tears. Grace went near him and talked to him, "Sir, don't worry, we are all here with you, see I'm also here, Grace whom you called your daughter. See these are my friends he is Danzel and he is Nick...",he said nothing and tears shed out of her eyes.

They came in a hope that they could talk to William but they were hopeless now. They turned back to go from there, but as soon as Grace took her first step out someone held her hand tightly. She turned back to see who did so and when she turned she saw William holding her hand and trying to say something. She knelt down near William's bed and she tried to understand what he was desperately trying to say. They all tried their best to understand what he was trying to say but at last Danzel understood some words he said. He understood three words---He said DAVID TRYING ACCIDENT KILL PLAN NO ----and after saying the last word he passed away.

And everyone started sheading tears over there. But Danzel was trying to understand what he was saying. So now they left from there for his funeral. But before leaving Danzel, Grace and Nick went to meet Basil also cause now Danzel was sure that there is some problem. They went to Basil who was lying on the bed. He was also very injured and was still unconscious. Danzel walked to him and took a seat next to his bed. Danzel just sat there and started admiring him quietly without saying anything as something was going on in his mind. And something was really going on in his mind. He was thinking and concentrating only on the words what William said before dying. One thing which he was sure about was that this was not an accident although it was a planned murder. He was just waiting for Basil to wake up and help him to find out the truth.

After waiting or a long time Nick said, "I think we should leave now. Its already too late now, we will come back again tomorrow.....". Grace also agreed with what Nick said then Danzel also thought about it and agreed to go with them. He stood up and started walking towards the door and as he left from there, Basil woke up but now they were already gone.

They all reached home and went back to their respective rooms. Danzel was only thinking about the words and somehow trying to join them. He walked towards his whiteboard hanging on the wall and noted down all the words there. "DAVID, ACCIDENT, KILL, PLAN, NO TRYING.....What do they mean? Did he said like 'A planned accident', yes I think that he was trying to say that It Was A Planned Accident. Now what about these other words!...." Danzel was trying to sort out everything and he sorted out one sentence and now it was clear that This was a planned accident and then someone knocked the door. It was Grace. She came with a coffee in her hands. "Any problem Sir....", she asked while handing the coffee to him.

" Yes a big one! I was trying to sort out these words and then I sorted out one thing.....This was not an accident...And thanks for the coffee." Danzel said. "I will try this too..... See first of all we will cut down the words which are already sorted.....so we will cut down ACCIDENT AND PLAN and now we are left with DAVID, KILL, NO and TRYING. This means that everything which is going on is connected with David. So we sorted the DAVID word too, now the words left with us are KILL,NO and TRYING. So does this make any sense that if we put David with kill and trying so..." Grace said and then Danzel caught everything and said cutting her words, "....so this means that William was trying to say that 'David is trying to kill me.' So this means that David killed his own father. But why?" " He killed his father to take control on the whole company but how can he take the control, his elder brother is still alive means Basilllll ! He is still alive na, OHH NOOO! This means that..." " Means that he is going to kill Basil too! We have to run to the hospital! Now!" Danzel said and they rushed to the hospital to prevent something to happen. They reached the hospital and as they entered there they saw the same STRANGE MAN who came to Grace's house.

Danzel saw him taking the lift but before he could each him he saw Danzel and took the stairs instead of the lift. They ran behind him but then Grace thought of a plan and took the lift instead of the steps and told Danzel to follow him through the steps. He followed him through the steps and Grace took the 9th floor from the lift where Basil was.

Here Danzel was chasing him and that strange man reached to the fifth floor. When Danzel reached the fifth floor that strange man hid somewhere. Danzel didn't saw him so he thought that he must be on the 7th floor so he went to the 7th floor. When the man saw him going to the 7th floor he felt relaxed and looked there around again. Then the man decided to take the lift and go back. He walked towards the lift and then he noticed something! He noticed that the lift was already on that floor. He was now sure that something was wrong. He took his steps back and turned around to take the stairs and when he turned back, guess what, Danzel behind him and then the lift's door opens, and Grace there. Now there was no way to escape. He was in a big problem now.

He then moved his hand towards his pocket and took out a gun and.......................................................boom!!!!!!

And he shooted Danzel.

now.................lets see what happens in the next chapter..........