Chapter 1 (Revised)

Somewhere in the east blue, A cute loli can be seen unconscious on a random Island.

She has a petite body, as a loli should, and is 161 cm tall. She is quite tall for a 12-year-old…

As for her cup size, google it. If I were to describe her in what most Chinese novel do then I would say: "She has jade-like skin and jade-like face, basically her body is jade-like."

Anyway, she wears the Tokiwadai Middle School uniform, sporting white loose/slouch socks and brown loafers with a light brown vest sweater over a white blouse and a grey skirt.

(A/N I just grabbed those words from the wiki :D)


After a few minutes of being unconscious, she wakes up.

(Mc Pov)

"Ugh, what happened?"

'What the heck happened? Why am I on an abandoned island? Am I kidnapped? Nah, no one would kidnap an otaku like me. I have nothing valuable, only girls maybe kidna-'

Accidentally touching my chest, I feel something soft.

(A/N Its more of a poking then touching.)

'Wait, why is my chest soft, It definitely feel like a girl's b*obs… a girl's b*obs? Uh-oh, I'm definitely kidnapped. But The last thing I remember doing is answering a random survey I saw on the internet that day.'


When surfing on the internet as usual, I saw a weird survey.

[Would you like to Answer the Transmigration survey?]

[ Yes / No]

'Hm… this seems interesting.'

I moved my mouse and clicked on [YES]

[Choose a world that you like to be transmigrated in.

Note: any world including fictional ones.]

'One piece seems like a good option. Anyway, it's not like it matters.'

I then type [One piece] in and then the next question popped up.

[What cheats would you like?]

'This is getting otaku-ish, whoever made this is dumb. Well, there does not seem to have any limit for the cheats… this is quite a dumb survey if I say so myself.'

[Cheats: Omnipotent Lottery system, Mental Library with infinite memory capacity.]

[Yes / No]

'Hmm, why not?'

Moving my mouse clicked [Yes]

I then saw a warning after I submitted by cheats.

[Note: The price for your cheats is your gender. (•̤̀ᗜ•̤́๑)]

'What the he- '

///Flashback End\\\

'So that is why I'm a girl… I may or may not be complaining about this, at least transmigrate me in some island with people. Now on to my memories… seems my name has changed. Now where is my syste-

Seeing a transparent screen in front of me, I mentally clicked yes.

Name: Misaka Mikoto

Overall strength: Can destroy a sandcastle with a punch


Memory Palace

System Points: 0>

'Okay System, I may not exercise much but at least I should be stronger than that right?'

'Anyway System, do I have a starter pack?'

'Yes Please!'

- 10,000 System Points

- 12 tailed Beast (Magic type)>

'I know what a tailed beast is but what the heck is that system?'

<12 tailed Beast (Magic type)

- It has endless amount of magic and Is comparable to world level entities like Gaia and Alayashiki.>

'That is powerful, anyway what its use?'


Immense amount of mana began to flood my body, because of its immense amount of mana began flooding my body, It began stronger as to hold that much mana you need a strong body.

It's like cultivation but easier and without side-effects.

'Wow, that is a lot of mana… Anyway, System, can you explain the main function of the system?'

Normal Lottery is any skills that is F – D. Overpowered Lottery is any skills that is C - A. God Lottery is any skills that is S - EX.

Normal Lottery is 1,000 SP

Overpowered Lottery is 10,000 SP

God Lottery is 100,000 SP>

'Hm, then system, I want 1 Overpowered lottery.'

<1 Overpowered Lottery, Yes or No?>


Gate of Babylon (Rank A)

- A treasury that transcends space and time, it houses all the treasures in the world both divine contructs and Noble Phantasms.

-Added Feature: It automatically collects all things that can be defined as a treasure to every world the user goes to and an infinite amount of it. It automatically repairs all treasure and removes all side-effects. It also has no limit to what speed it can fire at.>

'Holy sh*t , this is awesome… That means I don't need to train much. Anyway, My physical strength should be at the level of Luffy at the start of his journey.'

'I need to get off this island, to do that I need to make a boat. I could use Vimana but since I'm in one piece, I should use the traditional way of transportation.'

Walking to the forest, I got a blood-red axe out from my , I think it is called Half-dead Blood Axe: Blood-sipping Bestial Axe or something.

After a while, I got some chopped wood and used my limited knowledge of boat building and created a raft.

'I think it might not float much less survive the harsh sea, but I can always try, right?'

I then brought the raft to the sea and surprisingly It can float.

I guess this is a path of no return, l hopped on the raft and hope to not sink.

During this dangerous Journey, I realized about how stupid my decision is.

I could just sit comfortably at vimana, which is traveling at the speed of thought, and reach some island where I could relax…

But I, Mikoto, refused such luxury and went on the path of hardship…

I guess even if I look like Mikoto, I wouldn't be half as smart as her.

After a few hours of traveling, I began thinking of my past life.

I had an average family with 2 siblings, a younger sister, and an older sister, I am very handsome and still is right now, having been the most popular guy in school. Until I discovered Anime and Manga, I was baptized with it and then began to be a shut-in otaku like every other loser.

(A/N Well let me just say that MC is very low-key so let me translate what he said to you.

Ahem, He has a very wealthy family. His family own half of the world's global market, and basically their status is higher than the US president. His older sister bought apple and made it a trillion-dollar corporation and is very beautiful but cold to almost everyone except her friends and family, she is also secretly a bro-con. His younger sister is a streamer, she plays PUBG and League of Legends. She is also secretly a bro-con. Anyway, He is very popular in his school, many girls send love letters to him, which his sister destroys, when one day he watched anime and manga. He then became a shut-in like Kazuma, only going out to buy groceries.

I guess Mc had a very good life until he got ruined by anime and manga…

Spoiler alert: He is going to meet his sisters…)

Then here I am sailing the high seas, fighting pirates and marines…

'During my journey, many sea kings try to kill me, but I just sent a noble phantasm to solve them.

I know, It is very Gilgamesh-like but as he said, I don't need to personally kill that, mongrel.

Anyway, System, Can you tell me which timeline I'm in?'

Task: Find the timeline you are in.

Reward: All of Gilgamesh's skill

Penalty: You will be given a heavy dose of aphrodisiac and it will last for a week

Hint: Go to foosha Village>

'Wait, why is the penalty aphrodisiac?? I might shrug it off when I'm a boy but I'm a girl!? I'll be f*cked, both literally and figuratively… But going to foosha village? I think that is quite easy.'

'I should have the map of the world in my treasury, let me see…'

A golden ripple appears in front of me then it reveals the map of the world.

'Hm, this should be Nami's map of the world after her journey. Foosha village is near here.'

Putting the map back in my treasury, I took out Vimana and set off the direction of foosha village.