Chapter 3 (Revised)

(3rd Pov)

[2 weeks later]

The lazy trio did nothing but eat, sleep, and maybe drink expensive wine. (A/N Very expensive, things from Gilgamesh's Treasury ain't cheap.)

The trio has been travelling in the east blue, their first stop is syrup village. The village where Kaya lives in, maybe Mikoto will kidnap her but probably not…

Anyway, it is a perfect day, the weather is clear, there are no sea kings wandering around, so it is a perfect time for Mikoto to take a nap.


(Mc Pov)



"What the heck is happening!?"

Yukino activated her Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and summoned a Susanoo aura to protect shiro and herself.

I, on the other hand, activated my Bijuu cloak to protect me.

I then saw a red and black pirate ship with a black cat as a figurehead, and a pair of ornamental cat claws on the sides. Its flag is a jolly roger with a skull the shape of a cat's head, completed with slitted eyes, and crossbones.

'Isn't that the black cat pirate ship? Meaning we should be near syrup village!'

Showing a smile, I told Nee-chan to sink that pirate ship which she did.

"Ototo, I just need to sink that ship, right?" asked Nee-chan with a big smile…

'Seeing that big smile, she is probably going to ask for some benefits…'

"Then Ototo~ Don't I get a reward?"

'There she said, Benefits… Aren't we family? Why benefits… Fine.'

I replied: "If you sink that ship, I'll let you do whatever you want with me. Satisfied? (◕︿◕)"

Nee-chan nodded in satisfaction and was going to say something next when Shiro said:

"Nii-chan, Nee-chan, The pirates are going to fire another round of cannon balls!!!"

Nee-chan jumped high in the air and summoned a perfect Susanoo…

Everyone in the pirate's side watched in Horror as a 100 m Susanoo appeared in a blink of an eye.

A random pirate named bob asked: "Captain Jango, I don't think a cannon ball is going to hurt it…"

Jango: "Of course not you idiot! MEN! Turn the ship around!!"

After jango said this, the pirates scrambled to retreat. Many are panicking in fear while some brave ones followed jango's order and turned the ship around.

The perfect Susanoo stretched one of its hand and then created a 3 magatamas bound together by a thread.

Yukino said: "Yasaka Magatama!"

The 3 magatamas then shot to the pirate ship at incredible speed, it then split of almost surrounding the ship and exploded, killing almost everyone on board.

Unsurprisingly, Jango and the Nyaban Brothers survived that attack due to luck.

"Nee-chan! Mission Completed."

After shouting that Nee-chan de-activated her EMS and came down.

Shiro showed a thumbs up to Nee-chan and I said: "Good Job, Nee-chan!"

"So ototo, what is for dinner?" Shiro nodded with agreement.

"Dinner? I can't cook for sure but… I think I have instant noodles in my ."

"Nii-chan, why do you have instant noodles in your ? Isn't it supposed to only have treasure?"

"That's right, Ototo, instant noodles aren't treasure… so why is it there?"

Hearing that, I feel a little bit offended. So as a certified shut-in, I explained to them:

"Nee-chan, Imouto, My collects anything that is defined as a treasure not a literal treasure. Otakus from the Nasuverse regard instant noodles as treasures."

"Nii-chan, eating Instant noodles are bad for your health…"

"Otouto, You will be as flat as a washboard if you don't listen to her."

An invisible arrow hit my chest "Guh!"

"I'm not flat! Do you want to see for yourself?"

(A/N I guess Mc accepted his gender as a girl, but his sisters will still refer to him as a boy for simplicities sake.)

After saying this, I grabbed Nee-chan's right hand and imouto's left hand and brought it to my chest.


"It hurts!!"

I then threw their hands away because of the pain.

Shiro and Yukino, in a daze, thought: 'Nii-chan/Otouto's chest is soft…'

Blushing red, I said: "Let's go! We are almost at syrup village!!"

Yukino mechanically nodded while shiro just buries her head in my chest.

(Mc Pov)

An hour later, We arrived at syrup village.

However, I saw luffy and his small crew stepping foot on the island.

'I guess luffy is here already.'

I maneuvered my ship and anchored it at shore.

Jumping down in a cool fashion, I said to luffy and his crew: "Hi! My name is Misaka Mikoto, Who are you?"

Yukino puts her hand on her forehead and thought: 'Otouto, Pirates aren't going to introduce themselves, Idiot.'

Shiro just grabs a cookie and munches it down.

"Hi, I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I'm gonna be the king of the Pirates!!"

Yukino's eye widen in surprised and thought: 'Wow! There are pirates who are polite…'

Shiro just munches on another cookie.

Seeing luffy introduce himself, Nami yells: "Luffy, you're a pirate! Why are you introducing yourself?"

Luffy poked his nose, asking: "Cuz why not, Nami?"

Zoro just ignores luffy and readies his blades because he felt a huge threat of me and my crew.

Ignoring Zoro, I said: "King of the pirates, Huh… I hear that a lot. Anyway, why are you guys here?"

"We are here to–"

Many flags pop out from the bush, Usopp appears on the hill and said:

"I am Usopp, the Captain of the Usopp pirates. Surely you know that plotting an attack on this island means certain death, My army of 80 million super mean pirate soldier will squash you like bugs!!"

Turning to my imouto, I said: "Imouto, I think you will have 80 million soldiers soon…"

"Uh… Nii-san, I think he is bluffing."

"Otouto, Has your IQ dropped to zero and believed his bluff!?"

"I was just joking, Nee-chan, Imouto."

On luffy's side,

"WOW, that is so cool!?" said luffy showing an amazed face.

"You expect us to believe that?" asked Nami making Usopp scream: "Nooo! She knows!!!"

Usopp gets his slingshot and threatens luffy: "You pirates, Get off this island. I can guarantee that this slingshot hits as hard as a pistol and more accurate than one."

Before luffy says anything at all, I laughed: "Puhahahaha!!! You think a pistol can threaten me?"

Usopp was confused for a moment and nodded.

"Puhahahaha!!! This is the biggest joke I have heard. Then I'll let you see my power."

After saying this, I spread my hands and released my Bijuu cloak to access the infinite amount of Mana.

Endless golden ripples appear behind me, countless unnamed noble phantasms in the shape of swords and spears appear in the golden ripple, aiming at Usopp.

While showing an arrogant smile, I said: "So, Do you think a pistol can threaten me?"

When Usopp saw this, He dropped his slingshot, fell to the ground, peed his pants and fainted because of the pressure those noble phantasms have.

I didn't let anyone other than Usopp feel the pressure. So, luffy and his crew were just amazed at the amount of weapons I have.

Nee-chan looked at me and said: "Don't you think that's overkill, Otouto?"

"Hn, Nii-chan. You don't have to make him pee his pants…"

"Nee-chan, Imouto… I just want to show off a bit."

The two just deadpans, meanwhile Nami looked at me like looking at a monster.

'Why does Nami look at me like that? Right, powers like these aren't supposed to be shown in season 1…'