Chapter 5 (Revised)

(Mc Pov)

After the sparing match with Nee-chan, I went to my bedroom while Nee-chan followed me.

My cute little imouto is very obedient, she didn't follow me and just munches on her snacks.

(Mc Pov)

The next day

I gathered everyone to the deck and then used a spell called [Memory Transfer] that I learned from a random spell book in my treasury.

I sent then transferred modern knowledge to Kaya, things like computer, popular games, what a game is, and other stuff.

"Kaya, I transferred knowledge from another world to you."

Kaya looked at me surprised, showed a smile, and replied:

"This is knowledge from another world? It is interesting."

I walked to a platform, that I took from , and got their attention.

"Ahem, Nee-chan, Imouto, and kaya. I gathered you guys here to announce some stuff."

Yukino smiles indifferently and thought: 'There he goes being all superior-like. Does having make her a bit arrogant? Nah, just my imagination.' Still holding a book and flip to the next page.

Shiro shows sparkling eyes and thought: 'Nii-chan is being so cool.' And then continues munching on candy.

Kaya's face shows a "?" and thought: 'What is captain going to announce?'

"I'm here to announce that I am going to install some computers to relieve our boredom."

Like a thunder that just struck, the 3 girls became shocked and gasped because computers don't exist in this world.

Muttering in a low voice: "Gēto obu Babiron"

(A/N Mc may be a bit chuuni but it is perfectly normal because she is at that age… Well I think this is a bit chuuni…)

Exactly 4 golden ripples appear, a big table appears on each golden ripples. On the big tables are computers that have 'good' specs.

(A/N Since I don't know much about computers then all I can say is Mc's computers have infinite processing speed.)

I said majestically: "These four computers have Minecraft installed, so that we can play together!!"

The 3 girls shot a deadpanned look: 'Seriously? Minecraft?'

"I know what you're thinking, you must be amazed at my IQ. Praise me for inventing a way for us to bond!!"

They then shot a 'Are you serious?' look while I just ignored that and started the computer up.


[Windows 1,000,000]

[Welcome to Windows 1M]

[Loading 'Minecraft']

[Loading Complete]

I then began playing Minecraft the the 3 girls…

We first created our own house; all of our houses are made of wood or stone but it doesn't mean our houses are ugly.

Nee-chan's house looks kind of like a medieval castle, she built 100 rooms and it is 10 stories tall. It also had 5 layers of cobblestone walls but that is besides the point, her house is big and has a lot of decorations like chair and tables, even a world-class kitchen is built.

Kaya, on the other hand, built a simple house, it is really simple, only has 1 floor and minimal decorations because she focuses on functionality instead of making it have useless space.

My imouto also built a house. As for its size… it is very big. Not to exaggerate it a bit but it has almost 2,000 rooms and is 120 stories high, up till build height. Her castle is basically the size of a city! But of course she got help from her subordinates, quite insane if you asked me.

I built a house next to kaya's because looking at the houses my two sisters made… it would be embarrassing. My house is moderately sized, just the size of a manor, and it is filled with gold.

As the richest Man in history, my house is made of the finest material you can find in Minecraft. Making it look exquisite, it is like Leonardo Da Vinci's finest work and Michelangelo's finest design.

Ahem, I'm getting of track…

After building our house, we played PVP. I was like the god of war in Minecraft PVP, of course until nee-chan killed me with her Madara-level PVP skills.

A few hours later, I created a clone… more of a shadow clone made of mana… and the clone made something for everyone to eat…

We played a few more hours until I got tired of being spawn killed.

Nee-chan spawn killing me isn't fun…

I activated my Bijuu cloak and then created a hundred clones.

Each of my clothes got a computer and then I started war with my Nee-chan.

Yukino: "What are you doing!?"

"I'm tired of you spawn killing me!! Now it's time for revenge, Muahahaha!!!"

Shiro: "Nii-chan, you're cheating!"

"I think Nee-chan with her stupid PVP skills is cheating."

Shiro: "So Nii-chan, does that mean that teaming is Ok?"

After I nodded, Shiro then had her shadow soldiers to team up and try to defeat me.

Of course with my PVP skills and army, I defeated my imouto and her army.

When Kaya saw this madness over a game, she went to back to her room and took a nap.

Anyway, after playing Minecraft, I dragged my cute imouto to my room and hugged her to sleep.

(3rd Pov)

When Mikoto took a nap, holding her imouto asleep, Yukino tiptoed so that she won't wake up and rubbed her cheeks.

I think I read somewhere that women/girls are more perverted than men, I don't know if its true but in this situation, I think it is…

Anyway, kaya is alone in her room… Nothing to say but I think she is quite lonely… maybe she needs Usopp's company but… (A/N I won't allow it.)….

Kaya in her room is reading a light novel titled "That time I got reincarnated as a slime". Kaya got it from Mikoto by 'torturing' her.

The book is about a slime, I think, and talked about how the slime became god. But it will take a few books and a few more 'tortures'.

(Mc Pov)

The next day

I opened my system and see if I can draw some more lotteries.

Nothing much but enough to get one more OP ability.

<….Drawing Lottery….>

3 x Create Any Powers/skills (Rank A)

-The user can create any skills or powers that is within rank A.

Note: Can only create 3 skills/powers within rank A.>

(╯✧ ∇ ✧)╯ Wow, I can get 3 powers that is within Rank A that is powerful…

It should be helpful since I only have and maybe Gilgamesh's skills

But I think I should choose some powers first…

< Create Any Power/skill >

That should give me infinite mana and 'stardust' energy… but 'stardust' energy is more of a degraded version of divine energy than anything but it's not like it matters…

(A/N MBR's stardust energy is a degraded version of divine energy so it shouldn't exceed A rank…)

< Create Any Power/skill >

This power should help me with convenience… as history tells us, Laziness is to the driving force of progress. Now for the last skill but the most convenient one.

< Create Any Power/skill >

(A/N It is rank less because it's an auxiliary…)

Great sage is probably the most useful right now, I can combine GS(Great sage)'s intellect with AOE(Arc of Embodiment) and MBR(Magicule Breeder Reactor) as the power source of AOE.

After that, I walked out of my room and saw kaya coming to me.

'kaya doesn't usually come to me so what's up?' I thought then said: "What's up kaya?"

Right now, she is wearing a tracksuit like the one Kazuma wore. She showed an angel-like smile and said: "Captain~ Can you give me some more of those Light novels?"

'D*mn, she is becoming an otaku… I, as a former otaku, am proud of her. (˵╹ω╹˵)b

But that doesn't mean I would like her to become an unhealthy otaku!'

I said: "No!"

She was surprised that I rejected her but as always she showed a sweet smile and asked again: "Captain~ I want to read some more Light novels, Please…?"

Seeing her not giving up, I said in a firmer voice: "No!"

I then saw her have a scary aura like the one I have seen in anime, she then said:

"Don't you remember the last time this happened?"


(3rd Pov)

Kaya asked: "Captain, can I read some light novels?"

Mikoto: "No"

Kaya's slender white hands then reached for her face and pinched it a bit hard.

Feeling the sharp pain on her cheeks, she shows a pitiful face and said: "kaya, It hurts…"

Kaya squeezed it again and asked: "So Captain, Can I read some light novels?"

Mikoto said painfully: "Ok, Ok, I'll get it… just stop squeezing me..." she then got a book that has a picture of a slime as an illustration and gave it to kaya.

Showing a satisfied smile, kaya happily received it and left the room in a good mood.

Seeing kaya left, Her last thought was: 'First, Nee-chan and now kaya… If shiro is next then I'm not going to have a good day. The things I do for everyone to be happy…'

///Flashback Ends\\\

(3rd Pov)

When Mikoto remembered the pain from cheek pinching, she shuddered and said nervously:

"ahaha~ Here is the book my queen…"

She then got the light novel and gave it to Kaya who thanked her.

Kaya showed an elegant smile and said: "Why thank you, Sir Captain."

She mutters: "It would sound more genuine if you didn't threaten me…"

Hearing that, Kaya turned around and asked with an angel-like smile:

"What was that Cap~ tain~ ?"

When she saw kaya's smile, she was a bit frightened and replied stiffly:

"Nothing, I was just saying how beautiful you are…"

After Kaya left, Mikoto went back to her imouto and hugged her.