Chapter 7 (Revised)

(Mc Pov)

The next day

While I was cuddling with my cute imouto, I asked the system when I can go to another world.

'Hey system, when can I go to another world?'

'Then show me the World Mission.'

Task: Create the strongest army.

Reward: Unlock World travel, 500,000 SP

Penalty: None>

'Hm, that is simple enough. I can just kill major figures in the marines and shiro can get their shadows… Muahahaha, Imagine Akainu or maybe whitebeard kneeling to a loli…'

'The paramount war is the perfect place for shiro. But First I'll train them…'

I got up and gathered my crew and announced:

"This time isn't about new computer technology but training!"

I pointed at shiro and kaya and continued:

"You two specially need training."

I then took a training handbook written by Scáthach the spartan herself.

I then threw the book at my imouto and said:

"This is a book written by a spartan woman, So it should help you with training. Just follow its instructions and you should be as strong as her."

When kaya looked at the author's name, she exclaimed:

"What do you mean Spartan!? Scáthach is not spartan! She is a God-killer!!"

Ignoring kaya's remark, I turned to Nee-chan and threw her gravity runes and said:

"Nee-chan, these are gravity runes. It should help you with training."

After saying this, I took out a doll that looks identical to my imouto and went to take a nap.

(3rd Pov)

When Mikoto went to take a nap, Shiro and kaya went to take a look at the book while Yukino went and started exercising with the gravity runes.

Shiro started reading the book, the cover of the book is very beautiful and with the author's name at the bottom which says: Scáthach.

When she turned to the first page…

Next we have Yukino, who slapped a gravity rune on herself, increasing the gravity by 2 times, she then started exercising.

After a few hours of exercising, Yukino rested while Shiro and kaya did the spartan exercises written in the book.

(Shiro Pov)

'The book Nii-chan gave me is quite simple… I just need to do 1,000 pushups and sit-ups in 2 minutes and run 1,000 km in half an hour. It may be very difficult for normal humans to do it, *Cough* kaya *Cough*.'

Walking to kaya, I stared at her failure: "Jiiiiii" making her embarrassed.

She then looked at me and thought: 'Why did a kid beat me at training?'

After I completed my training, I went to Nii-chan and hugged her.

(A/N Again, [Nii-chan = MC] [Nee-chan = Yukino] [Imouto = Shiro] [Otouto = MC])

(Mc Pov)

A week later

We arrived at water 7 (A/N Luffy should've left water 7 and went to Enies Lobby…) and got off board.

I brought my group to the first shop I see which is…. A bookstore. Well, I may not be a book expert, but I think that a book in one piece at this time isn't comparable to the books in the 1980s.

But I have to keep my promise and go to the bookstore.

"Otouto, why are we going to the bookstore?" said Nee-chan while Kaya then blushed and said:

"Captain, I didn't know you like 'those' kind of books…"

Hearing what kaya said, my face is filled with "???", I then asked the most important question now:

"What do you mean 'those' kind of books?"

"Captain, Don't you know 'those' kind of books?"


Kaya then blushed and muttered:

"C-captain, 'those' kind of books.. in anime term….. H-hentai…"

Feeling hot in my face, I stammered: "H-hentai? Why are there hentai here!?"

'If there is a hentai shop open in broad daylight then I'll blast it out of existence.' Thought angrily I got out my Ea and prepared to return it to nothingness.

When kaya saw my 'sword', she thought of the strongest weapon in and then tackled me to the ground to stop my attack.

"What are you doing kaya!?" I asked in which she quickly said:

"Captain!! Put your anti-world weapon away!"

"Why? I'm doing a world a favor to return this shop into nothingness!!"

"Captain, the consequence of doing that is the destruction of the world!!"

"Then let the world be destroyed!!"

When Kaya heard this, she just pinched my cheek really hard.

"Captain~ If you won't put away that thing, I'll have to consider pinching elsewhere…"

Feeling the pain, I quickly said: "I'm kidding Kaya, no need to be so serious. I was just teasing you, hehe~"

After saying this, I put my 'sword' away and thought: 'No way, you ain't gonna pinch somewhere else.'

(A/N I guess mc is a little childish? I don't know.)

"Anyway, I'm not going to that shop Kaya."

This won the approval of everyone, I then brought them to the next shop and said:

"Girls~ We're going to shop here."

I bought a white shirt, black stockings, and a black jacket.

When wearing them, I showed it to the girls.

Looking at me carefully, Nee-chan showed a smile and said: "Wow, Otouto, You look much more feminine in those clothes! What you usually wear makes you a bit tomboy-ish. So, I approve of you fashion sense!"

Shiro then replied with a nod and even stopped munching on her favorite snacks and excitedly said:

"Nii-chan, you look really beautiful like Nee-chan!!"

Kaya also looked at me but with disbelieve. When I saw her eyes, I asked:

"What's wrong kaya?"

After saying this, kaya replied honestly:

"Captain… You usually look tomboy-ish but now the clothes you wear makes you look a lot more beautiful…"

I ignored her first few words and listened to her last few words and said proudly:

"Of course I'm beautiful, everything I wear is beautiful!"

Anyway, we became hungry after all the shopping and then went to a restaurant.

We walked near where we are and went inside a very fancy restaurant, as fancy as you can get, and got a table.

We ordered things like steak and wine.

(A/N I only know rich people eat steak and wine…)

While eating our meal, we talked about simple things.

Turning to kaya, I asked:

"So, kaya *Munch Munch* what do you think of the *Munch Munch* light novel I gave you?"

"Captain, the protagonist is unique… he became a slime and because he is too kind, he accidentally created a kingdom."

Nee-chan joined in the conversation and said:

"The protagonist is a slime? And is a boy? And what do you mean too kind?"

"Yukino-san, the protagonist transmigrated to another world as a slime and is technically genderless… and he is a standard kind-hearted Japanese man."

Nee-chan nodded and said: "Makes sense…"

"Nee-chan, Kaya, I might be able to summon that slime I am talking about."

The two had wide-eyes and both said at the same time: "Really?!"

Even shiro joined in and said: "Nee-chan, the slime is very cute…"

Looking at their surprised face, I said:

"Of course I can. Well, until I'm strong enough to beat him… Just using to beat him is unrealistic."

After lunch, we went back to our ship and set sailed to our next destination…

(A/N No chapters for 2 days…)