
Michael whistles a tune as he remains seated on a box of clothing, creating something new he could give to his new soldiers, he adds a few functions to his bracelet and repairs the shoes which he used for magic.

He hums a tune as the men around him bury their comrades, the royal knights stays in a depressed mood as the realization of the magic done to them has finally sunk in.

Michael ordered them to bury their comrades, each one grieving for their lost comrade and raging towards the monster that killed them.

Michael claps as the last corpse was buried, "Now, I'm sure you're quite tired."

He points in the direction of Ivern, "How about you march on over to Ivern, I'm sure with your status as royal knights, most caravans will be more than happy to accommodate you."

He realizes something as he looks to Orvin, "Oh and Orvin can you take care of them for me." Orvin bows in a show of deference.

The men grunts in distaste as they follow Orvin, but before they could leave, Michael shouts, "Oh yeah, remember to not tell anyone what happened here today."

Michael ruminates some more, "Wait! forget that, you should instead forget everything that happened here, just remember it as you winning but taking insurmountable losses."

He looks to Orvin, "Perhaps due to some Ducal interference, Yes?"

Orvin bows, "I will describe it as your will."

Michael smiles, "Good,"

He waves his hand as if mocking them for their defeat, "Now, bye-bye."

He smiles in petty glee as he watches the men walk in shame, he specifically watches Orvin as he trudges the clearing, trying to hide his rage and indignation.

He smiles in delight as he thinks to himself, 'So this was schadenfreude."

He looks up to the afternoon sky as the sun bears down on him, "Oh god, I can't believe I did all that in the span of a morning."

He sighs from knowing the fact that he has to traverse back towards the camp, "Oh well, it's time to rendezvous with the troops."

He jogs a bit before he takes a running position, he taps his foot as the newly designed circle lights up, "Hmm, maybe I could design sneakers, I'm sure it's a lot better for running than these formal ones."

"You know what, running is overrated anyway," He disappears from the clearing in a blast of air, going to the sky, hoping to see their camp as fast as possible.

He stays there floating for a few seconds before gravity takes hold of him once more, he looks around, taking in every detail as he does, he notices the camp filled with men.

Michael falls down to the ground with a wince, he nurses his legs as it heals before looking to the direction and running with a boost from his ring.

As he runs, he realizes something, "Shit! I forgot to call them back."

He runs faster as he mutters, "It'll be ok," He thinks for a few more seconds before whispering in hesitation, "Probably."

A few minutes later he ends up in a camp, its once lively atmosphere now littered with corpses as the soldier's despair suffocates any feeling of victory.

He takes a step as the men around him salute in his presence, something which he acknowledges with a salute back.

He heads towards the biggest tent, one where he assumes Anders has settled. He sees Alfred's relieved smile, something which he replies with a smile.

The tent flaps open and Anders walks forth as he spoke, "Hello Gentlemen, what are our casualties?"

Anders and his officer salute him, a sign that they've accepted him as their leader. Michael salutes back as he sat back at a chair.

"There have been five hundred casualties and a hundred injured men, some of which were caught prisoners during our retreat." Anders debriefs him.

Michael taps his chin in thought, "Then how about your former high command?"

Anders clenches his fist in anger, "Alex and the other commander died defending our camp."

Michael then asks, "Have they been buried?"

Anders looks to him in shock as his fist shakes, "We didn't have the time, the men are tired and exhausted, I don't think they have the energy to do it."

Michael stands as he looks around, "I see, then what should be your next agenda?"

Anders bows, "We were waiting for you." His bow was followed by every commander there. "We wish for you to become our leader."

Michael looks to them all, "It seems you have already made your decision."

He bows back to them, "Then I humbly accept this responsibility."

He smiles, as a thought comes to mind, "Now, for my first order, I order you to arrange a feast and a burial."

The men around them look to him in curiosity before bowing in acceptance, "By your will."

Everyone prepares to leave the tent before Michael stop Anders, "Anders, stay behind. I wish to talk to you about what will happen hereafter."

Anders sits back down as he hears his word, "What is it that you need of me, Sir?"

Michael spoke as he leans back, "I cannot stay in this encampment, I have too many plans to, to make this my permanent home."

Anders nods, "I understand, then what do you need of me."

Michael takes out a rock of significant size, "This, I wish for you to put this in the table."

He puts his hand atop it as he explains, "Just hold this wishing to see me and I shall answer."

He points to it, "You shall be my vice commander and will be the one to manage the daily moves within this encampment,"

He points to the rock, "You shall only use this during major decisions or time of crisis."

Anders nods as he watches it in curiosity, but before he could do anything, Michael stood as he spoke, "Well, it is best if we help the soldiers in their preparation."

"As you wish,"

Michael exits the tent as Anders closely follows.