Interlude. Lord of Castor

Michael Magna, Month 11, Day 21, Year A.F 652. Castor, Kingdom of Rosalia.

I enter our meeting and once I did I spoke, "I have received a title on a condition we join this war." I throw the letter on to the table for all of them to see.

"With the help of A&M, the messengers ran through the night bearing with them this letter by Prince Lenard and the news of thousands of refugee heading towards our city."

I sat back down as I continued, "Now, with this news. I would like to start our meeting."

Anders then raised his hand, "I wish to tackle the army's current condition." He takes out his own documents bearing with them letters and ledgers, filled with the army's accounts."

He gestures to them, "As you can see here, the current manpower is already struggling as it is to build so many structures all at once."

He then gestures to his men, which laid down a map of the country, "With the way things are, joining this battle will remove the manpower to our construction, one already struggling to build on so much."

Hearing such grievance, I nod to him, "Then we'll need to have a proper transition, I'll also need to find someone capable enough to lead them."

I look to Madelaine, "How many professional builders do we have?"

She looks back at me before tapping her chin thought, "Well, most builders are second or third children of nobles. But Im sure a few demons came to our city that hold enough experience in construction."

"Find the best one you have and report back to me. We'll need a quick transition today, so we can move out tomorrow." I spoke to him as he nods back to me.

Mary then interjects, "Are we actually going to help them?"

I give them a smirk, "We'll help, along with the expansion of our influence, we'll help." I raise the letter, "After all, I'll be getting a title once we take custody of western Rosalia."

I couldnt stop the laughter bubbling within me, my stomach in utter delight as I take in the words of his letter. They look to me in worry before I spoke to them, "How we do that depends on our interpretation."

Everyone around me widens their eyes in realization and they smile, understanding that perhaps this was the oppurtunity we were looking for.

She smiles back as she nods, "I see, then with words like this we could interpret is as the guardianship of the entirety of Western Rosalia."

I wipe the tears off of my eyes, "Correct, and if we station our troops within their cities, we could always call it the legitimate king's proclamation." I give a big smile.

"Then after he rescinds that order?" Anders asks with curiousity.

"Enemy conspiracy, obviously." I give him a smirk, he replies with an unusual smile.

He nods at my words before he looks up again. "Then would our men be enough for such a venture?"

"No," I look at Mary, Egon and Ivan, "That's why they will their contacts to buy up the necessary mercenary contracts throughout the Iridian Principalities and have them garrison the cities in our name."

"But what do we do about the other thirty thousand army? I'm sure they won't be sitting still if we take over the territory they've designated as their own." Egon spoke as he looks back.

"Because they'll just be leaving a space for the Bruncians to take over. The worst-case scenario for us is fighting Arasel Kingdom, one which could easily win." I reply to him with a smile, he grunts back in acceptance.

"But with such thought in mind, how sure are we of your army's effectiveness." Ivan asks as he crosses his arms.

Mary nods, "As much as the numbers count, The bulk of our army remains inexperienced. Even with the training you have them undergo, there are simply not enough men to make up this lack."

Daniel, a brown-haired young man and Ander's adjutant then replied, "Yes, but the weapons we currently posses are on a league of it's own," The people around nods in affirmation and I give a smile from the compliment.

"So what youre saying is," I drum my fingers at the table as I take in his input, "Is to use this opportunity to bloody our men as much as possible." He nods at my words but I continue, "And destroy their army of ten thousand so thoroughly that they'll fear even thinking of fighting us?"

The other men nods in affirmation, "Good, then we'll have all our men mobilized. And proceed with another draft for both the construction and the garrison left behind."

"Oh speaking of which, I'll have both Egon and Ivan stay here and train the new recruits." They try to raise their objections before Mary gives them a glare forcing them to stand down.

Egon and Ivan nods in acceptance and I give a small smile. That's good. I can't have them stay at Mary's side forever, such talents shouldn't be wasted to easily.

I glance a bit at Mary, her annoyance palpable from the duo's overprotection of her.

"Now is there anything else?" I ask as I stood up.

They salute and I salute back as I spoke, "Then you are dismissed."

The doors shut, leaving me and Madelain alone as I sit back down with a sigh, my expression tired and weary as I spoke, "I'm so glad it's all coming together and the soft transition of power made it easier, even the moment I let go of my mask, they just seemed to have accepted it."

"That's true, I would have thought as well that we'll have a problem in regards to that." Madelaine spoke at my side, finishing her notes.

"Though I guess that's more because of you." I said to her with a soft smile.

She taps her chin before laughing, she then spoke as she give him a smile, "That is true. After all, I was more or less your representative in all of your businesses, well at least those productions that didn't need a level of secrecy."

"So, what's our next meeting, then?" I ask her as she looks to her notes.

"Well, Albert wishes to talk to you about the future of A&M. Though the recent events have certainly affected the total profit, he isolated his systems of carriages within the various factions of this civil war."

"Oh, then Duke Rivider allowed him to continue his operations?" I ask her in surprise. I would have thought he would confiscate it.

"Yes, it seems that he believed it to be useful, so he used the system for his military use and sent messages through it and used it to ferry troops." She said to me.

"That sounds suspicious."

"It is? Perhaps but he could've just underestimated the reach of this human company."

"Impossible, if he is as smart as people think of him, he wouldn't allow something like this to exist within his borders. Certainly allow it to hold military secrets." I explained to her as I remain deep in thought.

I shake away such thought, "It doesn't matter right now, we wont be meeting in the battlefield anytime soon, neither am I expectant to meet him."

"I see, then I'll be taking my leave." She said as she stood up.

"Youre leaving already?"

"Yes, you I still have to find that experienced builder you need along with organizing the draft for the manpower for both the garrison and construction." She leaves through the door before looking back.

"And I'll be sending Albert here so just wait for him." She said before closing the door behind her.

I lean back as I spin in my swivel chair, thinking up of plans for the future. With the rate things are going, the village will certainly turn into a city in no time. Though I probably should start expanding the sewage system.

A knock comes from the door and I shout, "Enter."

The door opens and I spoke, never looking back up, "So, how have you been."

"Fine, master." The man spoke with an unfamiliar voice, this isnt Albert.

I immediately look back up, immediately taking out my gun and aiming it at the newcomer. Only to come face to face with a familiar face.

"Bishop Orvin. It was just you." I spoke in relief as I put the gun back.

"Master, why have you called me here?" The man ask as he grits his teeth, once more reminded of the seal brimming under his skin.

"Well, I didnt want you winning this war before I could even move." I said to him, aware of his frustration.

"Though with the recent developments, I could probably use you without arousing any suspicions upon me and my capabilities." I said to him with a smile as his expression turn to anger.

"Now, the get to angry, its not like you wont be spreading your religion. You'll still be doing your objective while helping me in my cause." I give him a smirk, he only looks down his expression now unreadable.

"As you wish."