Please keep it as secret

" We can talk over the phone whenever we want. If you want to see each other, we will meet…" he said, placing his hand on her bare shoulder pulling her closer.

She leaned her head on his chest holding him tightly. She wanted to stay in his arms forever.

" Buttercup... Don't think about anything, sleep now. " he kissed the top of her head.

She raised her head and smiled weakly looking at him. They laid on the bed and slept in each other's embrace.


" Adrian…."

" Adrian…"

He heard someone knocking on the door. He lazily opened his eyes and noticed Katherine sleeping on his chest hugging him like a teddy bear. His lips curved to smile on seeing her face. But soon his smile vanished as someone disturbing him by knocking on the door. He recognized it was Thomas' voice and decided to open the door. He placed her head gently on the pillow and quickly wore his shorts.

" What…!!!" " he asked Thomas in an irritating voice.