Caught her lies

Katherine opened the door with the spare key and walked tiptoeing towards her room.

" Kathie…" 

Hearing her name, she stopped and turned her head. She was startled to see Aunt Lisa standing placing her hands against her chest with a serious face.

" May I know with whom you went on the trip?" She questioned her.

" With my friends…" she said but it came as a whisper.

" Is it your friend? Or boyfriend?" She asked her.

" Aunt...Lisa...I am sorry to hide it from you. I want to be a part of the motorbike race to support him. " Adrian said.

She threw the photos on the floor where she hugged Adrian, his face was not clear as he was still in the helmet. She was shocked and surprised to see those photos. She skeptically looked at Aunt Lisa about how she came to know. 

" One of my friends saw you at the event and informed me," she said before Katherine asked her doubt.