Why did my dad left?

Little Sam rooted in his place with a pale face as Katherine never yelled at him after his birth. His eyes filled with tears. 

On hearing Katherine's yelling, Martin came to her room in no time. He was startled to see her angry face then he noticed the bracelet lying on the floor but not damaged.

" Kathie … Are you out of your mind? Why are you shouting at the little one? " Martin interrupted and picked Sam in his arms as he started walking properly for the last two days due to Thomas treatment.

Then he continued, "I have been observing you for a few weeks, you are looking disturbed. If you are not in proper state, I could have spend time with him"

He left the room with Sam in his arms. Little Sam placed his hands around Martin's neck. He took into his room and placed him on his lap. 

" Little champ...don't be sad. We will play together…" Martin said to make him feel better.