Controlling his anger

" What are you doing here?" Adrian asked Little Sam and picked him in his arms.

" I am here with my mom. She is talking with Uncle Thomas inside. And I am playing here with butterflies" he informed him and got down from his arms .

He held Adrian's finger and dragged inside to introduce Katherine. 

" Mommy….where are you?" Sam called her.

Katherine came out of the room as Sam was calling her. 

She was dumbstruck to see Sam with Adrian and his mother. The glass slipped from her hand with shock as she didn't expect them at Thomas' house. Thomas and Jasmine also followed as they heard a loud noise in the living room.

" Mommy….he is my friend, Ad. I already told you about him earlier, " Sam said with excitement. 

Adrian examined Sam's face keenly which had the features of Katherine and the same blue eyes as him. As she named him Samson, he understood he was their son.