New beginning

Her body was surrounded by his warm hug the whole night. She felt so peacefull in his arms. 


She sensed the same musky fragrance and opened her eyes. His handsome face appeared closer to her. She found herself in his embrace and his hands around her body.

She trailed her finger on the side his face. 

" My handsome hubby…" she mumbled. 

Adrian woke up with her sweet voice and her feathery touch but remained silent. Then slowly her finger trailed down to his neck. She noticed him shirtless. Then she remembered her attire. She quickly checked herself. Her lace of the night frock was untied. She felt so nervous. She wanted to move away from him but the grip of him was so tight.

She doesn't want to disturb his sleep and also want to escape from his grip. She felt helpless for her situation.

He wanted to tease her more. All of sudden, he made her sleep on her back and placed his head on her chest hugging her tightly.