Drug effect*

Adrian picked her in his arms and hurriedly walked towards the car. He placed her in the backseat and sit beside her. Then he told the driver to take them to the villa.

Once the car started, Kathie moved closer to him and placed her head on the crook of his neck. Her skin was so hot. She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent.

"Ad…" she moaned his name closing her eyes.

" Drive faster…" Adrian instructed the driver.

Slowly she started kissing his neck. The driver could see their images in the middle mirror in the car. He thought his boss's wife was drunk. 

" Ad... My skin is burning …" she started making jewellery on her neck.

" Love... it's okay. Once we reach home, you will feel better…" he said.


Finally, the driver took them to their new villa. He quickly picked her in his arms and ran into their bedroom. He made her lay on the bed. Then he dialled Thomas and explained the situation.