Who is the culprit?

" Be a good girl and lay on the bed. I will be back in a few minutes…" he ordered.

She gulped her throat and lay on the bed. She was feeling restless thinking of what he was going to do.

After a while, he came with a white bowl of oil. He placed it on the side table of the bed. She was nervously looking at him for what he was doing to do.

He untied the laces of the night frock on her body. She tried to hold it with her fist not to remove it over her body.

" Buttercup...relax… Trust me… I am your husband…" he said.

While he was removing her night frock, she closed her eyes. Slowly he applied the warm herbal oil on her body and started massaging to relieve her body pain. Her body started relaxing with his massage. 

" I think… I have to thank my mother for teaching me about herbal massaging. Being a nurse, she taught me…" he explained while massaging her body.