Romance in car

" Let's go to Thomas's home, we are getting late," she said in a serious tone. He kept the shopping bags in the back seats.

" Baby. ...are you angry at me? " he asked as soon as he sat in the driving seat. 

" Do you have any difference if I am angry or not!! You will do whatever you like. I have never seen such a stubborn person like you, " she yelled at him.

" Baby… I know you are so shy and conservative but these kinds of memories will remain in my heart" he supported his action.

" Do you know who I am embarrassed about? What if anyone finds out our deed in the mall? she questioned angrily. 

" Do you think I am brainless! I already visited the mall with my mom many times. After I confirmed it is safe to fulfil my fantasy with you, I brought you here to shopping " he said proudly.

" You shameless man!! " She screamed.