Katherine is upset

" Final rites are arranged " Duke whispered.

Katherine heard his words as she was standing closer to Adrian. Then she wanted to accompany him to the graveyard. She held his palm and said, " I will come with you".

"It's not required. I will go with any one of our staff to that place. You stay here" he replied and took his palm from her hand. He doesn't want her to face any hard situation. 

" But...Ad...I want to be with you," she pleaded.

" Kathie...no more arguments on this topic. Just let me go " he said strictly. She felt bad about his rejection and her face turned gloomy. Duke heard their conversation and said to Adrian, " I will accompany you to their final rites"

Before walking out of the company, he informed her not to wait. She nodded her head with a sad face. Without looking at her, he walked out along with Duke. He knew very well that if he stays for some more time, he had to witness her tears.