Adrian worried about her

" Where do you go, Kathie? In which places, I have to search for you? " he screamed. Duke was silently observing his boss. He threw files and other stuff on the workable in frustration. " Sir….please calm down. Just think with a calm mind where Mrs. Wilson went without informing you?" Duke advised. He loosened his tie and sat on his chair thinking about her. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. 


Suddenly, he was reminded about her best friend, Martin. Without wasting a single second, he made a call to him. 

" Hello...Is Kathie with you? " He asked as soon as Martin attended the call.

" Yes…" he replied.

" I am coming to your place. Handle her till I reach your place " he informed and disconnected the call. He stood up from the chair and informed Duke, " If you have any important work with me, make a call to me." Saying, Adrian walked out hurriedly.
