Shall I throw hot coffee?

" Keep trust in me. Every feeling in my heart for you is real, " He said, caressing her back.

She moved away from him and looked at him angrily. She fisted his shirt and shouted, " Then why did you hide it from me? "

" I was scared to lose you. I never had any bad intentions towards you. I became selfish in love. I don't want you to go away from me " he expressed, cupping her face. With his words, she placed her face in the crook of his neck and broke down in tears. 

" You made me hang on in a critical situation. I respect Martin next to my mom. Don't you ever think about my situation? If came to know that we are in love then he will cut all ties with me," she sobbed.

" Please give me some time, I will talk with Martin and try to convince him," he said, stroking her hair. Her cry subsided after a while.