Not an accident

Katherine POV continues….


I quickly ran towards the doctor to know about my father's condition. 

" is my father's condition? " I asked anxiously. He looked at me and asked, " who are you?"

" I am his daughter, Katherine David. Please tell me, how is he? " I asked him.

" He is out of danger but…." He stopped for a while and looked at me. I lost my patience and asked, " What… tell me? " 

" His two legs are paralyzed. He can't walk again in his life. We are sorry to inform you, " he informed. Martin who standing behind me patted my shoulder and consoled me, " That everything will be alright "

" Kathie… don't cry. We are there for you, " Mr. Borr said. I looked at him with surprise when he calmly talked with me.

" Don't cry. I will be with you…." Grayson said, wiping my tears. I flinched by his touch as I didn't feel right and replied, " thanks for your concern. I have my people to take care of me"