My biggest Regret

Katherine's POV continues...

He made a call to his father for the first time in his life even though he hated him so much for betraying his mom. 

Mr. Brown attended the Call as Steven made a call from my father's mobile. 

" Hello. It's me. Steven Lawrence," Steven introduced himself and narrated the situation at our home. He asked to help us by sheltering us for a few days till everything settled at our place. My father wanted to change the place. 

After ending the call, Steven said that Mr. Brown agreed to help us and send his private jet for us in two days. My father was relieved to know that Steven's father agreed to help. 


We started packing for belongings as per our father's instructions. When I was packing my father's luggage, he told the three of us to leave the Mansion as he had a responsibility to take care of the company. I requested him to come to us but he refused my plea.