What is going on here?

" Take care of Katherine. Don't hurt her with your rude behavior" Maria said while everyone gathered at the dining table.

Just in time, Katherine walked in their direction. She wore faded blue denim jeans with a white shirt and a navy blue jacket. 

" It's been a long time, I see you in jeans and a shirt, " Ruby said, noticing her attire. Whereas Katherine walked quietly and sat next to Adrian at the dining table. Without looking at them, she stuffed pasta with a spoon in her mouth. 

" Are you worrying about Sam? " Ruby asked as Kathie was silent. Kathie didn't reply to her question and continued eating the food on her plate.

" Kathie...we will take care of him. Please, don't worry. I promise you that I will care for Sam just as I am caring for my baby in my womb, " she said.