Throwing her out of the job

" Shall I give you divorce? And go away from you? " he asked her, breaking the hug.

" Ad…" saying she looked at him with shock.

" Why are you hurting me with your words? Better you kill me…" she cried.

" Am I hurting you!! " he asked her." Then what about the pain in my heart when you left me for six years!! " he added.

She wiped her tears and said, " Okay...tell me...what you want me to do to make you happy" 

" Very should follow all my instructions without questioning me. You should prove your love for me…" he said, caressing her lower lips with his thumb.

" Okay… if it makes you happy and could feel that I love you sincerely then I will do whatever you say…'' she agreed. He lowered his head and pecked her lips. " Good…" he whispered in her ears.