
Adrian strode towards his wife and held her wrist. " Let's go….from this place.." He informed Katherine. They turned to leave the hall.

But Kathie halted in her place when Grayson said, " Kathie…you will regret very soon to love and trust your so-called husband. He came here to get your property and become the CEO of this company"

She turned her heels and walked furiously towards Grayson. She slapped hard on his cheeks and said, " Not one word against my husband. It's you who are back of me for my property"

" Even if you slapped me, I don't care. Because I love you. " Grayson said.

Katherine slapped him again and spatted, "You are sick. You have been chasing me all these years even though you knew I had someone in my heart. You killed my father and harmed my son. You are a psychopath". Then she walked out of the conference hall with a serious face. She said, "You know what you are. You are a stalker.".