I need you

" Okay. If you think my decision to come here was wrong then you can go from this place. I already told you about it. And again repeating the same" he said in a serious tone.

She felt so emotional with his words. Tears started streaming out of her eyes. " So….you think… I will leave you like a selfish woman, huh! " she asked, fisting his shirt. Then she continued, " I love you dammit, I love you more than myself. That's why I didn't come to you and also hid about our Sam's birth in the past. I wanted you to be safe and happy". 

She took her hands away from him, " If I leave this place then it is with you. And also remember my words, if anything to our unborn baby then I will not forgive you in my life. You will be responsible for it. And if it happens, I will leave you permanently with our Sam ". After saying those words, she walked out of the bedroom without looking at him.