Adrian's decision

Just in time, Emily walked towards them and said, " I won't come back with you. I will stay here. I don't care what others think about me " in a serious tone.

Three of them looked at Emily who was descending the stairs. She stopped at the last stair while placing her palm on the wooden rail.

" Emily… What do you mean by it? Do you know what you are talking about? "Mr Green shouted, fuming in anger.

He walked towards her and held her arm in a tight grip. " Enough of your drama. Let's go. Already you spoiled my reputation by coming with Adrian. Let's go" he said angrily.

She pulled out her arm from his grip. " I won't come with you. When you don't think about my happiness. I won't care about your reputation, " she told him her decision.

" So you are ready to be his mistress! "Mr Green asked his daughter.