Wicked Vixen

When they were discussing their plan, the maid entered with the strolling food table. " Master …do you need anything master! " She asked, bowing her head.

" Nothing…get lost….you …old woman…" he shouted at her. For a few minutes, there was silence in the room. 

" So…what is the next plan! " She asked, sipping the drink. He smiled devilishly and said, "lets everyone know about this good news. I want Katherine to hate him to the core so that I can use this situation in my favour" 

" Great idea…." Jessica raised her glass in the air.

" What do you think about Mr Green's reaction! Can we use him in our further plan? " Grayson asked her. 

" I will handle that oldie. Don't worry about him…." She assured Grayson. 

" I like your confidence. But I am curious how you compelled Emily to help us with our plan! " He asked her with anxiety.