Planning something cruel

He pulled Jessica closer to her and said, " Let's go to the private room. We can discuss…." His grip was so tight on her wrist. She looked at his face and was scared to see his red eyes. He dragged her roughly to the private room and shut the door.

" Do you remember, you wanted to get a reward from me when you gave me some good news! " He asked her. She nodded her head with fear looking at his furious side. 

" Good. Now you will be punished for telling me bad news. Then we can plan something to destroy them.." he laughed wickedly and pushed her to the bed.

" You know when my mind works normally! Huh! " He questioned her. She gulped her throat while looking at him with fear and confusion.

" I will be calm when I hurt the person who disturbed me. As you upset me now, It's your turn to get hurt" he stated and took a sharp knife from the desk . His words sent shivers down her spine. He looked like a psycho with an evil grin on his lips.