Successfully broken my heart

" I think it's not a good idea to discuss last night's incident here. We can talk about it at some other place but not here…" Martin said.

" I am not interested in coming with you anywhere. Just leave me...alone .." she told him.

" Em….please …" he stepped closer to her. His breath was fanning on her neck with the closeness. 

" Don't come closer to me. For god sake, Stay away from me. You are so dangerous to my heart …" saying she pushed him away, placing her palms on his chest.

He held her both hands tightly which were on his chest. " Em…. I shouldn't behave like that. I can understand how you might feel when I suddenly ….stopped….what I started. Hurting you was not my intention. I don't know what came into my mind all of a sudden. I am sorry …" he apologized.

She looked blankly at his face.

" Let's talk in a mature way. …" He said, still holding her hands. She nodded her head as if he was hypnotised by his eyes.