Who is Lawerence?

" Aunt Emily… please ….accept Uncle Martin's suggestion. So that we cannot enjoy the trip…" Sam pleaded with puppy eyes.

" Sam… she already helped us so much. We cannot force more…" Kathie said and pulled him to her.

" Kathie… Why are you hurting the little soul? Huh? I didn't refuse to take care of Martin, " she said.

"So …it means we can go on a trip? " Sam asked. Emily smiled at him and kissed Sam's cheeks. Instantly Sam jumped with joy.

" Thank you so much…" Kathie said to Emily, hugging her.

Then Adrian ordered the housemaids to take their luggage to the car. As little Sam was so excited, he ran out of the mansion. Then Katherine, Ruby, and Maria followed him. 

" Take care of each other…" Saying Steven walked out of the Mansion. On the other side, Martin pretended to sleep as if he was having a headache.