Love complications...

" How many times have we had sex? " he asked, making her startled. 

" I mean … I feel so addicted when you are so close to me. …" he added.

She remained silent not knowing what to answer. She lowered her eyes as she could see into his eyes.

" I am sorry if I hurt you…" he apologized.

Immediately she raised her head and stared at his face. She gave a weak smile at him and replied, " it's okay, Martin. No need to apologize to me."

Gulping her throat, she continued, " we never had sex before…" 

Hearing her reply, he thought, " Did I force her? "

Immediately he said, " Sorry if I made a move without your consent a few moments back…" 

" You are taking my words wrong. You didn't force me to do anything against my will. I was yours and will be yours. You have all the rights, " she said.

" Our relationship was sweet and spicy with complications…" she added.

" Complications!! " he asked confusingly.