becoming one *

She pressed her thighs together and covered her mounds crossing her arms.


" Baby… I wonder how you were challenged earlier with them to have sex with me being so shy!! " He chuckled.

" I … thought … It was so simple " she stammered.

" But what about now! " He asked with a naughty grin. He hovered over her and leaned closer to her face.

" You are so shameless whereas Lawrence I knew was so gentle. But you are behaving like a pro in sex…" she replied.

" Birds learn singing without learning music and honeybees extract honey from the flower without any teaching. And a man can pleasure his woman just by the basic instinct, especially if she is gorgeous and sexy… " he said.

" You don't know how I felt when I saw you in Kathie's house after I lost my memory. I felt so attracted to you…" he added, stroking his finger at her jawline. Her cheeks turned red while blushing.