Chapter 28: Iron and Bone

Village of Hansel, Old Watchtower, Present day.

  Rebecca looked over the edge of the tower. 

Xeto stood at the ready as the knight approached him. 

Rebecca planted her rifle on the ledge and steadied her aim. How did he survive a sword driven through his chest? Never mind that. Focus. She exhaled as she looked through her scope. "Gods damn it," she whispered. The glow from the blue flames glared off of her scope. She steadied her breathing before taking a long pause. Her pulse thumped in her ears as she held her breath. She pulled the trigger. The bullet made contact.

The knight's head shot back from the blunt force. Though the bullet hadn't pierced the armor. 

Rebecca fired her remaining five shots. 

Every bullet only served to slow the knight for a brief second before it continued its eerily slow march towards her commander. 

Think, Rebecca. 

The knight lunged with a thrust, and so beginning the first step in their bout of death.

A minor warmth of confidence came with seeing her commander hold off the brute so accurately. There had to be a way to stop the knight, at the very least, slow him down. He's fully armored, helm to boot. But it's not possible for something that well armored to move that fast. Unless… She smiled, fueled by her newfound ambition. She reached for her waist pouch and pulled out another magazine. She loaded in the new mag and pulled back on her bolt. The sound of the empty casing hitting the stone faded away as she exhaled once more.  

True, the knight was well protected from the exterior, but his interior wasn't. The only way he could move with such agility was due to the openings between the armor. Groin, inner side of the elbow and behind the knee. One shot behind the leg is all she would need. Shatter the kneecap and the rest follows. Harder to preform than say. The knight would need to have his back to her long enough for her to train the shot. And from this distance there would be no way to communicate her plan to the commander. She looked through her scope. If anyone could create an opening, it would be Xeto. All there was to do…was wait.