I finally calmed down a bit after Carlo and I rested on the rooftop. We escaped earlier cause they were causing a ruckuss about this and this and that is that.

" Seriously, what happened " he asked me

I just sighed and looked at him

" Do I really have to narrate? Hey look I'm fine and she didn't slap me, so don't worry " I tried to reason out and he just sighed

" If you say so then, just please do tell me if there's something going on " he said looking a bit disappointed

" Should we eat lunch together? " he asked

Lunch? Is it that late already? I looked at my wrist and found the clock telling me it's already quarter to 12 noon. I seriously took that long? I looked at Carlo and he just nodded

" That's why I was so worried, it's not very normal for you to take that long when dealing with Mr. Pillado's ex flings, well not unless it was really a serious matter " he said as he lean on the wall with both his hands crossed on his chest

" Nah, it's not that serious, I just calmed her a bit that's all. No wonder I was feeling hungry, come on then, let's eat with everyone " I said then walked out

Carlo followed me and soon catched up with how fast he walks because he had such long legs, he was a bit taller than me

" Eldreesel, thank goodness I finally saw you. Boss kept looking for you, he said it was a bit urgent " Klaud said then took his leave in a hurry

As far as I know, there was nothing on the schedule today? What could it be?

" Hey, I'll just cook something good for dinner later. I'll pass for now " I said to Carlo

" Don't overdo yourself okay? Let's eat something nice later, my treat since you're working so hard " he said

" Wait what? No.. I was the one who should be treating you to a good meal " I said but he just chuckled

" Now now don't argue with me, that's not a request or suggestion from me, I'm buying dinner tonight and that's fixed okay? Now go or you might get in trouble for being late " he said then walked away with a smile

I couldn't help but smile too as I watch his back before I turned around and make my way to Mr. Pillado's office

What could it be that he even addressed it as urgent matter?

I knocked three times before I announced myself

" Sir, it's Eldreesel. I'm coming in " I said then I walked in

I saw him just sitting on his chair and signing some documents while his other hand is busy with typing something on his computer

He signaled me to give him 5 minutes more so I just nod and stood at the door to wait, my eyes landed on him

Well he really is a very hard working man, he was perfect if you ask me, the only thing that is unfit in his character is that he is a womanizer

Well, I've never seen any emotions from him other than what I ussually see, sometimes I also can't help but wonder if what's his real personality... I averted my eyes immediately when I saw him lifting his head

" Mr. Cano, my friend, he called me and said he wanted to meet with us urgent, it was about our proposal with them and also the proposal that they presented to us " he said

I straightened up and looked at him

Ah.. how handsome, but it just really turns me off to think that he couldn't settle with one person

If only he was a bit of like Carlo with the way of treating girls...

" What time do we need to go then, Sir? " I asked

" We have to go now " he said

He stoop up and he took his coat off, he placed it on his chair, he undo two buttons and folded his sleeves to half

Damn.. well that was hot....

I looked away and made my way to the door to excuse myself

" I'll get the car ready, Sir. If you'll excuse me " I said as I left the room

I knew my face, nape and ear are all red so I needed to excuse myself before he even saw it


The corner of Tyson's lips arched and formed to a smile as he watched Eldreesel sneaked out excusing himself to ready the car

He was strangely happy to see just how red Eldreesel's nape and ears was, somehow he loves seeing it and it turns him on a bit

He also left the office and even saw Carlo on the way

He doesn't like Carlo a bit and he admits that he was a bit uncomfortable with the idea of Eldreesel living on the same roof as Carlo, yes it doesn't matter since they're both men but he just doesn't like the idea of it

He saw the car parked outside the building and Eldreesel was waiting

He walked faster, and the door opened as soon as he arrived in front of Eldreesel

He get in and Eldreesel he drove the car

To be honest.. the call was fake, He just wanted to eat lunch with Eldreesel


We stopped in a fancy restaurant, it wasn't the ussual restaurants that we often reserve when dealing with clients.. maybe this was as per request..

We were welcomed as soon as we entered, and you can see that each and every costumers are being attended and escorted to their reserved rooms

As expected, he choose the high quality room again..

How can he spend his money just like that? Well I guess this was none of my business since once he deals and closed this project, he'll be loaded again

I envy that so much.. but yeah I'm contented with just this and that's just it..

I do hope, this ends quickly

I suddenly am not in the mood to be on places like this...

It only reminds me of something that I never want to be reminded of..

A bitter past that was long forgotten by everyone

But it is a past that left a huge scar on me and my soul...