The Run Away Bride

The sun was shining brightly, while the birds were singing when the sound of the bell rang. It's the signal that the wedding was happening inside the beautiful cathedral.

Inside the cathedral, the bride and groom just finished exchanging their rings after promising to love one another till death do they part...

"It is with great pleasure that I introduce to all of you our newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Jones!" He then looked at the groom, Mr. Jones, you may now kiss your bride!" Announced the priest for all the guests inside the church to hear.

Everyone applauded and cheered, shouting for the couple to kiss.




However, unknown to everyone, the bride and groom were glaring at each other, while the groom was not moving to comply with the guests' requests.



"Kiss!" Shouted everyone once more, waiting for the groom to comply and kissed the beautiful bride. While everyone excitedly waits for the groom to give the new bride a kiss...

Suddenly, the church door flew open and banged against its stopper, and stopped with a crack. All eyes swiveled to assess the intrusion.

A very handsome young man barged in who looks identical to the groom that was standing by the altar. 

Everyone inside the church was stunned speechless. Some were wondering if they're seeing things or if the other man for real? While they were all at a loss for words...

A smile surfaced on the bride's flawless angelic face. Then suddenly, she runs as fast as she could muster toward the intruder, leaving the groom standing on the altar dumbfounded.

As the smattering of polite applause died away, the bride and groom's parents got up and shamelessly followed to chase after the bride and the intruder.






Exclaimed the young girl while slowly trying to get up from her bedroom floor. She had fallen off the bed after having a dream that was more like a nightmare.

She dreamt that she got married and ran away after with another man.

The grooms' parents and her parents were coming after them, and they kept running until... in her dream, she had fallen off the cliff.

Thank goodness it's only a dream, and she has not yet gotten married. It must be her conscience that speaks since she was planning to run away. The young girl briskly got up and rushed to start preparing for her planned escape before it was too late.


The young girl who was disguised was busy packing for her planned escape. She just recently graduated from college and home for the holiday, unbeknown to her that her betrothed had staked his claim and requested that it's time for them to get married.

Unfortunately, she has no plan on getting hitched anytime soon. She has a job to do and a bright future ahead. There's no way in hell she will let him put a leash on her and tie her up with a marriage certificate. She needed to get away as fast as she could...

She muttered to herself while she was busy dumping clothes over clothes into her backpack, "Do you seriously think you can force me to be engaged to that assh*le? I'm not foolish enough to stick around and just wait for that to happen."

Her only choice was to use a no-name brand backpack that she'd purchased the other day since she simply couldn't use her suitcase, what with jumping out from the terrace to escape.

Once she made sure she'd packed everything else she needed, she checked she had her passport and a load of money. She'd already withdrawn enough cash to ensure they couldn't trace her once she was gone.

And once that was all set, she checked herself out in the mirror, ensuring her disguise was perfect and that there was nothing out of place. She didn't want to be recognized once she left.

She hastily made her way to the balcony and opened the door as quietly as possible. She poked her head out the door, checking if anyone was around.

There was no one in sight, fortunately, so she hurriedly made her way down the balcony and ran for her life as if there was no tomorrow.

"God, I beg of you, let me escape here without getting caught. I can't marry that jerk, and I just can't," she begged while sprinting towards the back gates.

She had already checked ahead of time, ensuring that the guards were patrolling the grounds, away from where she would make her escape, and they were nowhere in sight.

She slowly and surely made her way towards the gate, occasionally looking left and right.

She quickened her pace once she realized there was absolutely no one there. Ava ran as if she was in some marathon. It was then she finally made it to the back gate. She stopped for a minute to catch her breath, already quite worn out.

Once she had less difficulty breathing, she turned around, looking at the vast mansion that lay behind her. She took a deep breath. She started to get teary-eyed.

With tears close to falling from her beautiful, sad eyes, she whispered under her breath, "Goodbye, my dearest family. I love you all, but I could never allow myself to marry that jerk, even if it kills me."

She then disappeared...