Broken Hearted

Onboard the THJ private jet, father and son were having a conversation.

"So, what do you think about your intended?" Tanaga, James's father, asked in a light tone of voice.

"Hmm, I don't know? All right, I guess…" replied James nonchalantly.

The truth of the matter was he didn't know how to answer because he already promised himself that when he grows up, he would only marry for love. Thus, he didn't pay much attention to the chubby little girl that was supposed to be his intended.

He found her all right. Just all right. His neutral answer to his father meant that he wasn't technically lying to him.

"Oh, before I forget, she gave you this. She said it's for you to remember her and for you to wait until she becomes beautiful. Hahaha! Those were her exact words!" teased Tanaga while ruffling his son's hair.

"Dad, didn't you promise that if I don't like her that we can talk about it? Well, I don't like her. So, could Ashton marry her instead? Please, dad!!!" James begged his father with a glum expression painted on his face.

Tanaga glanced at his son's face and felt a hint of guilt build inside him. It was his mistake, yet now his son had to suffer. He felt awful. He decided to let him have his way. He figured that since his two sons were identical twins, who would know if it's James or Ashton that would be marrying Ava?

"Are you sure this is what you want? Don't you come crying to me later when she grows up to be the most beautiful woman you've ever laid your eyes on, only to become your sister-in-law instead of your wife? Do you understand that?"

James's face brightened when he heard what his father said. It meant that he was free to find someone on his own, to love and cherish for the rest of his life.

"Yes, dad. That's what I want! I promise that even if she turns out to be the most beautiful woman on earth that I have ever laid my eyes on when she grows up, I will not fight for her with my brother," James pledged to his father.

Unbeknown to him, this promise was to be the hardest promise he would have to keep in his life when the time would come.


Meanwhile, at the Go mansion, Ava was heartbroken after the incident that had happened. Her five-year-old heart was shattered into pieces, and no one could console her no matter how hard her mother, Ann, had tried.

"Sweetheart, why don't you tell mommy what is wrong? Why are you crying? Do you not like him?" Ann kept on bombarding her with questions to no avail.

Ava's father, Jeff, came to the door.

*Knock! Knock!*

"Can I come in?" Jeff asked with a somber-looking face. He didn't like it when his princess was not happy. He knew that something was wrong, but he couldn't come right away since he still had to bid the father and son goodbye.

Ann just waved her hands, telling him to go away, and he was not happy about it. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do but follow his wife's order. Whatever Ann requested, he did.

Since there was nothing Jeff could do, he decided to call his friend, Tanaga, and find out what the young boy said to his princess. This would not do. He would not let anyone hurt his baby girl.

Yet Tanaga had already boarded the plane, and it was taking off. As his phone was off, Jeff was unable to connect with him. He didn't have much choice but to do some work to get his mind off the situation.



When dinner time came, Ava didn't want to leave her room and eat. This made Ann worried because her baby girl usually loved to eat. And since she was upset, she had to make sure that all of Ava's favorite food was prepared.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get Ava to get up and eat. She gave up and went to look for her husband to complain.

Concern was visible on her beautiful face as she went downstairs to her husband's office.

Just as she was on her way to see Jeff, their son Jeffrey came running in from outside. "Mommy! I missed you!" he shouted as he happily ran towards his mother.

Ann's face lit up when she heard her son shouting with so much affection in his voice. No matter how long or short, whenever he's out of the house Ann would miss him terribly.

"Baby, I missed you too! Did you have fun with Grandpa Go and Grandma Tan?" she cheerfully asked her son as she kissed his cute chubby face. Her twins and her husband were her life, along with the rest of her family. There's nothing in the world that she wouldn't do for them, even if she has to give up her life.

"Yea! Grandpa and Grandma took me to Jollibee, and I ate chicken joy with spaghetti. And then we went to..." He retold all the things he had done all day while Ann carried him towards Jeff's office.

"Hmmm, you smell like the sun. Have you been playing in the park? Is that why you smell sour? Hmmm!" She then tickled him on his side.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Mommy!" Jeffrey complained while trying to wiggle out of his mother's embrace.

Meanwhile, Jeff was on the phone with Tanaga. He was finally able to get in touch with him once his friend landed.

"I don't know what your son did, but I swear he broke my princess' heart. She hasn't stopped crying, and she doesn't want to talk to anybody. Did he tell you anything?" asked Jeff irritably.

Tanaga was his best friend, and the two of them went way back. However, when it comes to his children, he would go to hell and back to make sure no one made his children cry. He's clearly voicing it right now, and Tanaga could hear it from the other side of the call.