I Would Never Lie

Ashley found her son in the game room playing one of his favorite games, League of Legends.

James raised his head once he heard the door open to see who was coming.

Once he realized it was his mother who'd entered, he stopped playing, even if the round hadn't ended yet. Instead, he decided to give his mother his undivided attention.

Ashley kneeled down, so they were face to face. She held her son's little face before she began to speak whilst stroking his cheek fondly, "Sweetheart, mommy has a question, and mommy knows you're a good boy, so you'll tell me the truth, right?"

"Of course, mommy! I'd never lie to you," he said to his mother.

Ashley wasn't comfortable asking her son the question, feeling as though she was interrogating him when the last thing she wanted was to make him uncomfortable. She decided to get to the point and make it quick, believing whatever her son would say.

"Did you do or say anything that hurt Ava's feelings? She's crying a lot these days and doesn't want to eat either. Her mommy told me you said something to her to make her not want to leave her bedroom and not come out. So, I'm asking you, sweetheart, what did you say to her?"

James, who previously had a composed look on his face, wrapped his short arms around his mother's neck and began sobbing.

He knew what he'd said to Ava was extremely hurtful, and he wished he could take it all back, but it was too late now. He needed to confess to someone, or he'd keep feeling horrible. His mother was a good start so that she could help him make an apology.

"Mommy, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it, I was only kidding! I didn't know she'd be so hurt by it! I'm sorry, mom, I'm so, so sorry!" He cried, continuing to weep on his mother's shoulder.

"There's no need to apologize to me," Ashley reassured him as she stroked her son's hair gently with one hand.

"Mind telling mommy what you told her so I can let her parents know? Of course, they'll explain to her that it was all a joke since we all know you'd never say anything mean and hurt her feelings intentionally. So what did you say, honey? You can tell mommy." She coaxed.

James separated from his mother's hold, wiping his tears away before beginning to tell her exactly what'd happened. Once he finished, he felt better and back to his old self.

"Alright then. I'll go and tell your father what happened, and if it's necessary, I'll go to the Philippines with you, and you'll apologize to your future wife and in-laws, okay?"

James' eyes immediately widened once he heard what Ashley told him. 'Future wife' and 'in-laws' were quite intimidating for a child his age, and with what his father already promised, that Ashton would be the groom and not him, he needed to let his mother know before it was too late.

"But mommy, I'm not her future husband anymore! Dad already agreed that Ashton would be the one to marry her, not me. I'm sorry I hurt her feelings, but can't you apologize over the phone?" James pleaded, staring wide-eyed at his mother.

Ashley was stunned, keeping her feelings in check so she wouldn't alert James. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her eldest son had given away his betrothed to his younger brother so quickly. She was rendered speechless.

It took a moment before Ashley regained her composure.

She held James' little hands while looking at his adorable face, telling him, "It's fine if your father agreed to give Ashton your betrothed, I don't mind."

She pulled her son into a tight embrace before giving him a peck on his cheek.

"Alright, I'll go down to speak to your father, and we'll take care of this matter. On another subject, have you eaten, honey?" She asked, changing the subject so James would feel more at ease.

James shook his head no.

"I'll check if dinner's ready, and I'll have Ashton come up here and call you down to eat, alright?" She asked, caressing his hair before turning around to leave.

James stood there quietly for a moment, right after his mother left.

It was then he suddenly remembered the drawing Ava had given his father as a sort of 'keepsake.' Since he was no longer its owner, he needed to return it to its rightful owner. He slowly got up to his feet before going to his room to look for it so he could hand it over to Ashton.


James was sitting on top of his bed, staring at a beautiful painting. It wasn't perfectly done, by all means, but it was visible that the one who'd created it had talent. Who'd believe that a mere five-year-old had painted such a beautiful painting?

It was a painting of a little girl and a young boy who were holding hands and standing on lush greenery while looking at the sunset. Both the girl and the boy had their backs facing the onlooker, so their faces weren't visible.

There was a note right beside the painting that read, "Please wait until I fully bloom into the amazing woman I'll become."

For some strange reason, James had the urge not to let go of the painting. So, when his brother came looking for him to inform him dinner was ready, he swiftly hid said painting under the pillow so Ashton wouldn't see it.

"Brother, dinner's ready! Mom asked me to come and fetch you-- what are you doing?" Ashton asked out of curiosity, all smiley.

James's face was entirely red and it looked as though he'd been caught with his hand stuck inside a cookie jar.

"Nothing! I was just thinking about if mommy and daddy were able to solve the situation in the Philippines," he said nonchalantly before getting up from his bed and ushering his brother out of his room.

~To be continued~