The Highest Marks In Their Class.

"Ohhh, thank you! Ava... I love you so much, sister!" Akira said as she stood up from the kneeling position and pulled Ava in a tight embrace before kissing both her cheeks.

Pearl had done the same thing, "I love you, cousin! You are the best!" Then, after giving Ava a peck on both her cheeks, she ran out of the living room to call Mary to come and check out the goodies.

Akira didn't have to go and call Chupsy and Pisces; they heard the commotion and decided to check it out. They heard Ava ordering the two to come and get them, so they got more curious as to why.

When Ava handed them the box of complete skincare, their eyes gleamed with joy and thanked the young girl for her thoughtfulness.

Ava only nodded before picking up the one box left for herself and went back to her room to start playing video games. But, unfortunately, she forgot to tell others that they now have the highest-speed internet possible.


James was already online, patiently waiting for Ava to sign on. Since the start of the school year, they couldn't properly chat while playing, and he missed her voice. He was getting impatient when suddenly he saw her in-game name pop up on the screen.

His eyes lit up, and he briskly put on his headphones.

He waited for a moment, and once he was sure that she was all set, with a smile heard in his voice, he happily greeted her.

"It's about time! Hahaha! I thought I would have to fly over there to see what was going on with you. I'm glad that your father got your internet fixed."

Ava blushed after hearing his voice. She had been anxious for the last couple of days when they were only playing and not chatting. She couldn't talk when they played because half of the time, the two girls would be sitting right next to her speaking while she played, and she was afraid they would hear their conversation.

When the game started, they chose to play one-on-one. They used to play with others, but lately, James wanted to play only with her and no one else. That made Ava happy as a lark.

There were times that James was tempted to ask Ava to chat with the camera on, but he decided against it. He instead imagined what she looks like based on her voice and the way she spoke to him. He didn't want to be disappointed if he saw what she looked like was not what he imagined her to be. Unknown to him that Ava was thinking the same thing.


Meanwhile, in the other room, Pearl was engrossed reading the news on her cellphone about a new idol group from Japan that debuted recently and is now topping the charts.

She decided to watch the video clips of their debut, and she instantly fell in love with the group. Pearl was an Idol group junky. She had been following famous groups such as BTS, EXO among other groups from different countries.

Now, she just added a new member to her list, EXODUS, a five-member idol group. She already made plans for her summer vacation. She would fly wherever they had concerts at that time, and she would ask Ava and Akira to join her. A sweet smile was plastered on her face as she dreamed of meeting the group in person.

She was so engrossed in watching their video that Pearl didn't realize that Akira came in.

"What are you watching?" Said Akira as she jumped on Pearl's bed, grabbed a pillow, and sat next to her. She put both her arms on Pearl's shoulder and peeked at what she was watching while taking one of the earbuds and putting it in her ear.

"Ohhh, this is a good one! Who are they? A new idol group?" She curiously asked while watching along with Pearl. Then her eyes widened when she saw who the lead singer was.

"It's a new group from your country, the group called 'EXODUS,' aren't they awesome!" Replied Pearl nonchalantly.

She blinked her eyes a few times, making sure she wasn't seeing things. However, after blinking and rubbing her eyes, it was who she thought it was...

The lead singer of the new idol group was none other than her older brother, Ashton. who now had blond hair instead of his original black-colored hair just like her. 'Dang! My older brother is handsome as heck!' She thought to herself.

She looked at Pearl and was going to tell her that it was her older brother they were watching, but she decided against it. She realized that Pearl was fascinated by them, and if she found out that her older brother was one of them, she might pester her, and she wouldn't be able to live in peace for the next four years. So she decided to stay quiet and not say a word.

After watching for a little more, Akira got tired and went back to her room to continue drawing. She loved to draw and write; she wrote stories and drew the characters whenever she had time. In addition, unknown to the two girls, she wrote webtoons on one of the platforms in Japan under the pen name--'Lovely,' and she was slowly starting to get noticed.


Their days in Royal Academy went swiftly with their busy schedules. Three months passed by so quickly, and it was quarterly exam time. Many of the students envied them due to Prince Edmund's friendship with them and wished that all three of them wouldn't do well on their exams.

However, it seems that they got good genes from their intelligent parents. All three girls were able to get A's on their tests, and they were tied with the highest scores in their class.

It was the first time in the history of the Royal Academy that three students tied for first place. Thus, Ms. Shannon H. and headmistress Williams were proud.

"Ms. Shannon, make sure to send the detailed report to the Queen properly. This is an honor for our school and must be reported to the King and Queen." Said Ms. Williams while smiling from ear to ear.