The Hidden Fashionista

The day of the concert finally arrived. Pearl insisted that they go out and shop for new outfits. Ava and Akira didn't want to go at first, they got better things to do. But, they had no choice when Pearl was acting like a spoiled child and wouldn't take no for an answer. Thus they ended up tagging along accompanied by Chupsy.

First, they had to request permission from Ms. Williams. Pearl was in charge since it was her idea. She happily went to the headmistress's office to make the request. She ran into Prince Edmund on the way, and he accompanied her in case she needed help.

Ms. Williams was relaxing and having tea with Ms. Shannon when they arrived.

*Knock! Knock!" Prince Edmund did the honor of knocking on the door lightly.

"Open! Come in!" Ms. Williams calls out to the other side of the door.

Two heads poked in and looked around inside the office. When they saw Ms. Williams and Ms. Shannon seated on the sofa, they slowly walked in with bright smiles on their faces.

"Good day, Ms. Williams, Ms. Shannon H. I hope you are both having a fine day!" Greeted Prince Edmund as he walked inside, followed by Pearl right behind him.

"Good day, Ms. Williams, Ms. Shannon H. How are you both today?" Greeted Pearl shyly.

The two older ladies greeted them back and ushered them to come closer. Once they were standing in front of them, "What can I do for you both? Aren't you preparing for the concert tonight?" She asked while looking at Pearl directly.

Prince Edmund's eyes widened, and he turned to look at Pearl on his right side. "What concert?" He bent over and whispered.

"Oh, I'll tell you later. Let me speak with the headmistress first." Pearl said to Edmund before turning her attention back to the headmistress, "We need to get permission to go out shopping for outfits." She said sweetly to Ms. Williams.

"That's why I'm here now, it seems that we didn't bring many articles of clothing with us and it's a special occasion. So we would like to request permission for us girls, Ava, Akira, and me, to go out to shop for new clothes." Pearl continued.

"And me too!" Butt in, Prince Edmund while his right hand was in the air.

The two older women both raised their brows and looked at Prince Edmund curiously.

"Your highness, would you kindly enlighten us why you also need to go out with the girls? Don't tell me that you also need to go shopping?" Her face was serious, and she didn't bat an eye as she asked.

The headmistress's expression worried Prince Edmund that she would not allow him. He needed to come up with a better excuse than shopping. "I only wanted to accompany them; it has been a while since I've been in a public shopping mall. They could also use extra bodyguard to protect them." He said truthfully, and it's visible on his young handsome face.

Ms. Williams looked in the direction of Ms. Shannon, and they spoke without words coming out of their mouth. However, they had a mutual understanding, and when Ms. Williams turned to give her response, Pearl and Prince Edmund were afraid.

However, permission was granted for them to leave and enjoy themselves as a reward for their top marks.

The two teenagers' faces shone brightly like the sun when they heard that they were allowed; they briskly thanked Ms. Williams and Ms. Shannon before bidding them goodbye and left as soon as possible.


An added security was needed for the girls to go out in public. Therefore, all three bodyguards must go with them along with Prince Edmund's assistant and some hidden ones in the background unseen.

Everyone dressed casually to be inconspicuous, but it clearly showed that they're not typical teenagers, no matter how much they dress down. Instead, it's the years of high-class upbringing that cannot be hidden even if they wanted to.

Also, none of them owned items of clothing that were not brand names... Thus, from head to toe, they screamed money!!!

When the three girls stepped out of their room and the three bodyguards saw what they looked like, they all shook their heads in unison. They couldn't go out there looking like they did; it would attract too much attention. They had to do something first before they could leave.

"This will not work, girls... Give me your sizes, and one of us will run down to the nearest market and get you something simpler to wear." Said Pisces while looking at the girls up and down.

All three girls looked at themselves to see what was wrong with their clothing. Then they all realized that their items of clothing scream brand names from head to toe. So, they were dejected and slumped down to the sofa, their faces all scrunched up.

Then they heard Chupsy speak with a grin on her face. "Nah! It's alright! Nowadays, it isn't a big deal anymore because of all the counterfeit goods out there. How would people know if they're all real or fake, especially teenagers? How could they afford what they're wearing? Hahaha!"

The three girls looked at each other, then looked at their clothing. All three were thinking the same thing. So how does one know if it's real or fake by just looking at them?.

Nevertheless, after hearing what Chupsy said, all three girls got up simultaneously, and their faces lit up.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go! I can't wait to check out their mall here... I heard they have all the latest fashion that's trending right now." But, of course, Pearl, the hidden fashionista, was bragging.

"Yea! I saw that in one of the latest fashion magazines." Butt in Ava, eyes shining brightly from excitement.

Ava also grew up in a family of models, actresses, and fashion designers; it was hard for her not to become one when everything she wore since she was young was nothing but the latest trends in fashion.

And since she was also in showbiz, she could never go out in public without wearing brand names from head to toe. But, since she was trying to live a simple life away from the limelight, she left all of those back homes in the Philippines.

In order to be inconspicuous, A black minivan that belonged to the Royal Academy was given to them for transportation. It can seat more than 10 people, not including the driver. Thus all three girls, Prince Edmund, and their bodyguards were able to fit inside with a lot of space. Soon they were on the way to their destination... Shopping!!!