What Was The Name of His Group?

In the Philippines, Ann had just finished the last taping for a movie that she was currently working on. The director shouted, "Cut! It's a wrap!" before he went towards her to congratulate her on finishing perfectly.

While everyone was congratulating Ann, her assistant came over and was handing her cellphone to her. When she looked at the screen to check who was calling, a smile crept on her lips. Then, she excused herself to find a less noisy and secluded place before answering the facetime call.

"Hi, sweetheart! How are you? I've missed you so much! How I wish you were here right now. I just finished shooting, and I will see you very soon." She was rambling on and on, not giving Ava a chance to speak. Suddenly she realized that Ava seemed to be inside the bathroom, and when she looked closer at her phone, she noticed that she had tears in her eyes.

"Is something wrong, sweetheart? You can talk to me," Ann said sweetly.