The Bodyguards Joined The Feast...

Although Tanaga could not join them for dinner, the children still enjoyed the feast that was prepared for them.

Jeff insisted that Arman join them, supported by Akira pleading to her uncle. So, Arman stayed and had dinner with them so that he could spend a little more time with Akira.

The Head Chef and his crew created a wonderful feast for them to enjoy. Beautiful settings after settings were coming out of the kitchen, personally supervised by the Head Chef as they were brought to the table.

When the children saw the food, their mouths salivated. It was very different from the food they have daily at the Royal Academy. Pearl couldn't help but think, if only Prince Edmund was able to join them, it would have been wonderful.

Ava was thinking the same thing, but she was thinking of their bodyguards that were more like older sisters to them. So, with that in mind, she tugged on her father's sleeve and looked at him with her puppy dog eyes while he was busy speaking with Arman.